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Portland Grain Review 01/31

31 Jan 2017
January 31, 2017 Portland Price Trends 01-02-16 08-01-16 12-01-16 01-24-17 01-31-17 #1 SWW (bu) 5.35 4.95 4.55 4.60 4.62 White Club 6.60 4.95 4.70 4.75 4.77 DNS 14% 6.17 6.03 6.53 6.92 6.82 HRW 11.5% 5.60 5.10 4.88 5.27 5.17 #2 Corn (ton) 159.00 158.00 148.00 170.00 168.00 #2 Barley 150.00 135.00 115.00 115.00 115.00 Wheat...West coast wheat markets were reflecting a change in export bid structures in early week trade, as firming basis levels propped up the soft white flat price and brought some carry back to the market. Bids for hard red winter slipped on lower futures as bids rolled to the May futures. Red spring wheat bids were also lower as basis held steady against declines on the Minneapolis board. Trading remains relatively quiet. Shipments...Weekly export inspections showed an improved pace of wheat loadings off U.S. ports last week, with total shipments coming in near the 12 mb mark. Year-to-date export loadings now stand at 617 mb and are 26% ahead of a year ago. Top shipper for the week was hard red spring wheat at 4.8 mb, followed by hard red winter with 3.8 mb. Soft white registered a total of 2.4 mb as west coast exporters were able to alleviate some of the backlog from recent inclimate weather. Top destinations off the PNW were Japan with 2.3 mb, Bangladesh with 2 mb and Taiwan with 1.7 mb. China was also on the list, taking on 1 mb. -Norm Ruhoff Contributing Analyst Copyright 2017 DTN/Telvent. All Rights Reserved.