By Emily Unglesbee
DTN Staff Reporter
Russ Quinn
DTN Staff Reporter
OMAHA (DTN) -- The following are highlights from weekly crop progress reports issued by National Ag Statistics Service offices in individual states. To view the full reports from each state, visit….
Planting progress was achieved between precipitation events throughout the state this past week. Received moisture and cooler temperatures early in the week held back emergence in areas, but picked up with warmer temperatures to finish the week. Days suitable for fieldwork was 4.8 days, up slightly from the previous week's 4.3 days. Topsoil moisture is 2% very short, 10% short, 83% adequate and 5% surplus. Subsoil moisture is 3% very short, 23% short, 73% adequate and 1% surplus. Barley planted was 87% with 84% the five-year average. Barley emerged was 55% with the five year being 47%. Corn planted was 29% with 39% being the five-year average. Corn emerged was 3% with the five year average 5%. Sorghum planted was 3% with 7% the five-year average. Spring wheat planted was 64% and 67% the five-year average. Spring wheat emerged was 32% and 36% the five year average. Winter wheat jointed was 79% with 61% the five-year average. Winter wheat headed was 3% with 12% the five-year average. Winter wheat crop condition is 16% very poor to poor, 39% fair, 45% good to excellent.
Producers reported some ponding and flooding in fields. There were 0.6 days suitable for fieldwork during the week ending May 7. Statewide, the average temperature was 51.4 degrees, 6.5 degrees below normal. Precipitation averaged 1.89 inches, 0.92 inches above normal. Topsoil moisture supply was rated at 41% adequate and 59% surplus. Subsoil moisture supply was rated at 1% short, 56% adequate, and 43% surplus. Corn planted was at 65%, compared to the 5-year average of 63%. Corn emerged was at 29%, compared to 43% last year and the 5-year average of 32%. Soybeans planted was at 14%. Soybeans emerged was at 1%. Winter wheat headed reached 78%. Winter wheat condition was rated 4% very poor, 9% poor, 27% fair, 50% good, and 10% excellent.
Multiple storms brought below average temperatures and more heavy rainfall, halting fieldwork and slowing crop growth. Heavy rainfall occurred throughout the state ranging from 1.09 to 5.06 inches, leading to more ponding in fields and leaving some recently planted crops underwater. Some parts of the state also experienced freezing nighttime temperatures, leading to problems with the recently planted corn and soybeans. Days suitable for fieldwork was 0.7 days, down from the previous week's 3.8 days. Topsoil moisture is 0% very short, 0% short, 29% adequate and 71% surplus. Subsoil moisture is 0% very short, 1% short, 42% adequate and 57% surplus. Corn planted was 51% with 43% being the five-year average. Corn emerged was 18% with 16% the five year average. Soybeans planted was 19% with the five-year average at 17%. Winter wheat jointed was 81% with 76% being the five-year average. Winter wheat headed was 46% with 23% being the five-year average. Winter wheat crop condition is 4% very poor to poor, 19% fair, 77% good to excellent.
Drier conditions as the week progressed allowed farmers to plant corn and soybeans during the week ending May 7, 2017. Statewide there were 3.4 days suitable for fieldwork. However, below normal temperatures have slowed the emergence of crops. Topsoil moisture levels rated 0% very short, 0% short, 82% adequate and 18% surplus. Subsoil moisture levels rated 0% very short, 1% short, 80% adequate and 19% surplus. Southwest and South Central Districts reported 25 percent or more surplus subsoil moisture. Almost one-quarter of the state's expected corn acreage was planted during the week ending May 7, 2017. Fifty-two percent of the corn crop has been planted, remaining over a week behind last year, and slightly behind the 5-year average. Northeast Iowa has the smallest percentage of corn planted at 35 percent, while central Iowa has the most planted at 65 percent. Seven percent of the corn has emerged, 6 days behind last year, and 4 days behind average. Nine percent of the soybean acreage has been planted, 6 days behind last year, and 2 days behind average. Planting of the state's oat crop is nearing completion. Oats emerged reached 61%, over a week behind last year, but just 2 days behind average. The season's first oat condition rating came in at 0% very poor, 1% poor, 23% fair, 62% good and 14% excellent.
For the week ending May 7, 2017, temperatures averaged below normal for the second consecutive week. Most counties in the state received up to one inch of rain, however the northeast and northwest counties received little to none. Effects of recent snowfall and freezing temperatures were still being assessed. There were 2.0 days suitable for fieldwork. Topsoil moisture rated 0% very short, 1% short, 69% adequate, and 30% surplus. Subsoil moisture rated 0% very short, 6% short, 79% adequate, and 15% surplus. Winter wheat condition rated 10% very poor, 17% poor, 30% fair, 37% good, and 6% excellent. Winter wheat jointed was 96%. Headed was 59%, behind 70% last year, but ahead of the five-year average of 51%. Corn planted was 45%, behind 61% last year and 56% average. Emerged was 20% percent, behind 36% last year and 28% average. Soybeans planted was 4%, near 5% last year, and behind 9% average. Sorghum planted was 1%, equal to last year, and near 2% average. Cotton planted was 1%, equal to last year, and near 5% average.
There were 1.6 days suitable for fieldwork in Michigan during the week ending May 7, 2017. Rainfall continued to delay spring planting this week. Temperatures dipping into the 20's and 30's at night have kept soil temperatures cold and hindered evaporation losses. Topsoil moisture was 0% very short, 0% short, 38% adequate and 62% surplus. Subsoil moisture was 0% very short, 0% short, 45% adequate and 55% surplus. Corn planted was 10% with the five-year average 27%. Soybeans planted was 1% with 11% being the five-year average. Oats planted was 37% with 63% being the five-year average. Oats planted was 37 with 63% being the five-year average. Oats emerged was 9% with five year average at 30%. Winter wheat jointed was 41%. Winter wheat crop condition is 12% very poor to poor, 25% fair and 63% good to excellent.
Minnesota famers took advantage of the 3.9 days suitable for fieldwork during the week ending May 7, 2017. The dry conditions towards the end of the week allowed for significant planting progress. Topsoil moisture supplies were rated 0% very short, 1% short, 85% adequate, and 14% surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies were rated 0% very short, 2% short, 82% adequate, and 16% surplus. Minnesota's spring wheat planting advanced to 6 days ahead of the 5-year average pace to 65% complete, but remained behind last year's 84%. Spring wheat emerged, at 16%, remained behind last year and the average. The oat planting progress advanced 20 percentage points to 58% planted. Twenty-nine percent of the oats have emerged, well behind last year's 68% and the average of 43%. Oat conditions were 0% very poor, 0% poor, 37% fair, 55% good and 8% excellent. Barley planting progress was 50% planted, with 7% of the acreage emerged. Corn planting was 35% completed, 16 days behind last year and 8 days behind average. Scattered soybean and sunflower planting were reported.
Continued rainfall this past week caused flooding in some areas. Precipitation totals averaged 2.12 inches, almost an inch above normal. Temperatures averaged 55.1 degrees, 4.9 degrees below normal. Overall, farmers had just 1.4 days suitable for fieldwork. Topsoil moisture supplies were rated 1% short, 50% adequate and 49% surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies were rated 1% very short, 1% short, 62% adequate and 36% surplus. Corn planting was 77% complete, down from 93% last year but ahead of the five-year average of 69%. The corn crop was 42% emerged, behind 73% last year and 44% on average. Corn condition was rated 39% in good to excellent condition. Soybeans were 9% planted, down from 21% last year and 12% on average. Winter wheat was 84% headed, up from 76% last year and 48% on average. Wheat condition was rated 60% in good to excellent condition. Cotton was 16% planted, far behind 84% last year and 42% on average. Rice was 68% planted and 54% emerged.
A cool, but drier week wrapped up in Nebraska. Temperatures averaged one to two degrees below normal, and rainfall was limited to half an inch or less statewide. Farmers had an average of 3.3 days suitable for fieldwork, which allowed planting to progress a bit. Topsoil moisture supplies were rated 3% very short, 8% short, 81% adequate and 8% surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies were rated 6% very short, 12% short, 76% adequate and 6% surplus. Corn planting was 48% complete, just behind 49% last year and 55% on average. The crop was 10% emerged, behind 14% last year and 15% on average. Soybeans were 13% planted, near 11% last year but behind 18% on average. Winter wheat was just 1% headed, down from 9% last year and on average. The wheat crop was rated 36% in good to excellent condition.
North Dakota
A warmer, drier week allowed for significant planting progress and crop emergence this past week. Temperatures averaged above normal statewide and overall, farmers had 6.5 days suitable for fieldwork. Topsoil moisture supplies were rated 1% very short, 11% short, 73% adequate and 15% surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies were rated 1% very short, 8% short, 77% adequate and 14% surplus. Corn was 23% planted, down from 46% last year and 34% on average. Soybeans were 4% planted, also behind 22% last year and 12% on average. Winter wheat was 23% jointed, down from 31% last year. The winter wheat was rated 74% in good to excellent condition. Spring wheat was 45% planted, behind 65% last year but near the 49% average pace. Spring wheat was 11% emerged, down from 25% last year and 20% on average.
Heavy rainfall swamped much of the state this past week, preventing much fieldwork and flooding some fields. Overall, farmers had just 0.7 days suitable for fieldwork. Replant concerns are growing among producers, as cool temperatures and significant ponding threaten some fields. Topsoil moisture supplies were rated 28% adequate and 72% surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies were rated 34% adequate and 66% surplus. Corn planting was 46% complete, up from 30% last year and 38% on average. The corn crop was 12% emerged, near 10% last year and 9% on average. Soybeans were 16% planted, up from 8% last year but near the five-year average of 14%. Just 1% of beans were emerged, up from zero last year and the same as average. Winter wheat was 19% headed, up from 13% last year and 6% on average. Wheat condition was rated 80% in good to excellent condition.
The state saw above normal precipitation this past week, with the exception of the South Central district. Drought conditions waned to only 4% moderate to exceptional drought, a drop of 13 points from last week. Topsoil moisture supplies were rated 1% very short, 5% short, 74% adequate and 20% surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies were rated 2% very short, 18% short, 75% adequate and 5% surplus. Farmers had an average of 3.5 days suitable for fieldwork. Corn planting was 63% complete, up from 61% last year and 68% on average. The crop was 46% emerged, up from 41% last year and the same as average. Soybeans were 15% planted, down from 19% last year but the same as average. Wheat was 90% headed, just above 89% last year and 83% on average. Wheat condition was rated 49% in good to excellent condition.
South Dakota
Warmer, drier weather allowed planting progress to advance this past week. The week began with rain and some snow, but ended with daytime highs in the 80s and 90s, statewide. Overall, farmers had 5.5 days suitable for fieldwork. Topsoil moisture supplies were rated 1% very short, 23% short, 73% adequate and 3% surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies were rated 4% very short, 23% short, 71% adequate and 2% surplus. Corn planting was 32% complete, near 35% last year but behind 43% on average. Soybeans were 5% planted, down from 9% last year and 10% on average. Winter wheat was 28% jointed, behind 47% last year. Winter wheat was rated 52% in good to excellent condition. Spring wheat was 71% emerged, up from 72% last year and 51% on average. Spring wheat was rated 59% in good to excellent condition.
No report was filed at the time of publication.
There were 3.6 days suitable for fieldwork for the week ending May 7, 2017. After a rainy April, drier weather allowed a surge of fieldwork, particularly on well-drained soils. Topsoil moisture supplies were rated 0% very short, 0% short, 72% adequate and 28% surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies were rated 0% very short, 1% percent short, 74% adequate and 25% percent surplus. As of May 7th, spring tillage was 37% complete statewide, 13 days behind last year and 6 days behind the five-year average. Corn planting was 15% complete, 10 days behind last year and 6 days behind the five-year average. Two percent of the state's expected soybean acres have been planted. Oats planning was reported as 52% complete, 7 days behind last year and 4 days behind the five-year average. Oats emerged was at 25%, 4 days behind last year and 2 days behind the five year average. Winter wheat was 70% in good to excellent condition statewide, compared to 64% good to excellent last week.
OMAHA (DTN) -- USDA downgraded the winter wheat condition only marginally in its weekly Crop Progress and Conditions report, despite reports of widespread damage from the Plains. Continued wet and cool weather in parts of the Corn Belt continued to hamper fieldwork, and corn and soybean planting slipped behind the average pace yet again for the week ending May 7.
The percentage of winter wheat rated in good to excellent condition dropped only a single percentage point from 54% last week.
"Fifty-three percent of the winter wheat crop was rated good-to-excellent, resulting in a DTN Winter Wheat Condition Index of 129, down 5 points from a week ago," said DTN Analyst Todd Hultman. "DTN's index is down from 158 a year ago, but above the five-year average of 97. Monday's crop ratings for wheat are still suspect, but taken at face value are slightly bullish for winter wheat."
Exactly 50% of the winter wheat crop was reported to be heading, up from the five-year average of 46%, but behind 55% last year at this time.
Corn is 47% planted, behind the average pace of 52%, as well as last year's brisk pace of 61%. Corn emergence is at 14%, dropping four points behind the five-year average of 19% and a full 10 points behind last year's pace of 25%.
"Monday's report is slightly bullish for corn," Hultman said.
Soybean planting also slipped behind the average pace this past week. Soybeans are 14% planted, down from 17% on average and 21% last year.
"Monday's report is neutral for soybeans," Hultman said.
Spring wheat is 54% planted and 21% emerged, compared to 74% and 37% last year, and 60% and 29% on average. "Monday's report is slightly bullish for spring wheat," Hultman said.
Cotton is 21% planted, compared to 25% last year and on average. Rice is 76% planted and 65% emerged, compared to 81% and 65% last year and 71% and 53% on average.
Sorghum is 30% planted, just up from 29% last year, but the same as the five-year average. Barley is 53% planted and 26% emerged, compared to 76% and 44% last year and 68% and 35% on average. Oats are 79% planted and 59% emerged, compared to 87% and 68% last year and 79% and 60% on average.
National Crop Progress Summary |
| This | Last | Last | 5-Year |
| Week | Week | Year | Avg. |
Corn Planted | 47 | 34 | 61 | 52 |
Corn Emerged | 15 | 9 | 25 | 19 |
Soybeans Planted | 14 | 10 | 21 | 17 |
Winter Wheat Headed | 50 | 42 | 55 | 46 |
Spring Wheat Planted | 54 | 31 | 74 | 60 |
Spring Wheat Emerged | 21 | 9 | 37 | 29 |
Cotton Planted | 21 | 14 | 25 | 25 |
Sorghum Planted | 30 | 27 | 29 | 30 |
Oats Planted | 79 | 67 | 87 | 79 |
Oats Emerged | 59 | 47 | 68 | 60 |
Barley Planted | 53 | 32 | 76 | 68 |
Barley Emerged | 26 | 14 | 44 | 35 |
Rice Planted | 76 | 73 | 81 | 71 |
Rice Emerged | 65 | 58 | 65 | 53 |
National Crop Condition Summary |
(VP=Very Poor; P=Poor; F=Fair; G=Good; E=Excellent) |
| This Week | Last Week | Last Year |
| VP | P | F | G | E | VP | P | F | G | E | VP | P | F | G | E |
Winter Wht | 4 | 11 | 32 | 43 | 10 | 3 | 10 | 33 | 45 | 9 | 1 | 6 | 31 | 51 | 11 |
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