DTN Closing Livestock Comment 09/11 16:47
11 Sep 2017
DTN Closing Livestock Comment 09/11 16:47 Lean Hog Futures Start Week With Narrowly Mixed Settlements Hog contracts closed Monday on a mixed basis, with deferreds faring better than nearbys. The cattle complex finished with uneven results in the live market and moderate strength in the feeder trade. By John Harrington DTN Livestock Analyst GENERAL COMMENTS Activity in the cash cattle arena was typically limited to the distribution of new showlists. Ready supplies appear to be generally larger with only Texas offering more finished steers and heifers. The national hog base is $1.35 lower ($53.00-$59.00, weighted average $57.32). Corn futures closed slightly higher as traders cautiously positioned ahead of new s&d data due out Tuesday. The stock market surged higher in the wake of Irma. The Dow jumped 259 points higher with the Nasdaq better by 73.