DTN Closing Livestock Comment 10/19 16:41
19 Oct 2017
DTN Closing Livestock Comment 10/19 16:41 Meat Futures Settle With Mixed Prices The cattle complex closed mixed in the live market and solidly higher in the feeder trader. Lean hog futures also finished with uneven results, though nearby issues outperformed deferreds. By John Harrington DTN Livestock Analyst GENERAL COMMENTS The fed cattle trade remained at a standstill through the day with bids and asking prices separated by $2-$3 on a live basis (i.e., $109-$110 bids in the face of $112-$113 asking prices). According to the closing report, the national hog base is $1.02 higher ($56.00-$65.50, weighted average $63.42). Corn futures closed fractionally higher in listless trade volume. The stock market closed with the Dow up 5 points (and setting another new record) and the Nasdaq off 19.