DTN Cattle Prices/Trends 11/01 08:25
1 Nov 2017
DTN CATTLE PRICES/TRENDS 11/01 08:25 HEAD SOLD LIVE STEERS DRESSED LIVE HEIFERS DRESSED KANSAS . . . . . NEBRASKA . . . . . TEXAS . . . . . COLORADO . . . . . IOWA . . . . . *=PRIVATE SOURCES DTN COMMENTS: The country is quiet this morning, with bids and asking prices still not fully established although some are saying that steers and heifers in the South may start out being priced around 125.00. More accurate pricing may be released after the Fed Cattle Exchange Auction a little later this morning. Significant trade volume could be delayed until Thursday or Friday. Beef cutouts are expect to be higher, on light to moderate box movement. NOTE: Feedlots are encouraged to call DTN with any cattle sales, at 1-800-369-7675, 1-402-399-6402, or 1-402-462-8897. All sales will be listed anonymously and organized by state. All live sales are FOB and set for 1-9 day delivery. General trends and summaries from this data will also be posted on the Daily Sales Reported to DTN page.