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Portland Grain Review 03/06

6 Mar 2018
March 6, 2018 Portland Price Trends 03-01-17 08-01-17 02-01-18 02-27-18 03-06-18 #1 SWW (bu) 4.90 5.20 5.42 5.67 5.75 White Club 5.05 5.30 5.42 5.67 5.75 DNS 14% 6.96 8.38 7.41 7.39 7.57 HRW 11.5% 5.52 5.65 6.17 6.44 6.78 #2 Corn (ton) 175.00 148.00 161.00 172.00 176.00 #2 Barley 158.00 125.00 140.00 150.00 150.00 Wheat...West coast white wheat markets remained near the top end of the marketing year price range in early-week trade, with basis strengthening a bit today against softer Chicago futures today. Bids across all PNW wheat markets remain mostly flat into early spring, signaling export interest in nearby deliveries. While basis on white wheat to Chicago has been shifting, basis for both hard red winter and springs has been holding steady. Shipments...Weekly export inspections showed a rebound in wheat loadings off U.S. ports last week, recovering some ground lost due to recent weather hampering movement. Hard red winter topped all classes in shipments for the week with 8.5 mb. Soft red winter also had one of the better weeks of the year with 4.3 mb and hard red spring shipped nearly 2 mb. Soft white wheat saw total shipments a virtually zero for the week. -Norm Ruhoff Contributing Analyst Copyright 2018 DTN/Telvent. All Rights Reserved.