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USDA Crop Progress

22 May 2018
By DTN Staff

OMAHA (DTN) -- Corn planting progress reached 81% complete nationwide as of Sunday, May 20, equal to the five-year average, according to the USDA National Ag Statistics Service weekly Crop Progress report released Monday.

Nationwide, corn planting progress jumped 19 percentage points last week, up from 62% the previous week. States showing the largest gaps behind their five-year averages were Pennsylvania, which was 29 points behind average; South Dakota, 15 points behind average; Michigan, 13 points behind average; Wisconsin, 10 points behind average; and Minnesota, 7 points behind average.

Corn emergence, at 50% nationwide as of Sunday, was slightly behind last year's 51% but ahead of the average pace of 47%.

Soybean planting remained ahead of average nationwide, except in the Northern states. Fifty-six percent of the crop was planted as of Sunday, according to NASS, 12 percentage points ahead of the average of 44%. Twenty-six percent of soybeans were emerged, ahead of 17% last year and also ahead of the average of 15%.

Winter wheat was 61% headed, behind last year's 71% and also behind the average of 64%. Winter wheat condition held steady last week at 36% good to excellent, still the crop's lowest rating since 2014-15. DTN's winter wheat condition rating of 58 points was also the lowest in four years.

Spring wheat was 79% planted as of Sunday, near the average pace of 80%. Thirty-seven percent of the crop was emerged, behind the five-year average of 52%.

Spring wheat planting was the furthest behind average in Montana, which, at 66% complete as of Sunday, was 20 points behind the five-year average of 86%. "I was around flooded areas of western Montana, but from the little I saw, I doubt the state will have trouble planting," said DTN Analyst Todd Hultman. "Weather was in 60s and 70s and fields were green."

Cotton was 52% planted as of Sunday, compared to 36% last week, 49% last year and 45% average. Rice was 93% planted, compared to 83% last week, 90% last year and 89% on average. Seventy-four percent of the crop was emerged, compared to 61% last week, 77% last year and a 74% average.

Sorghum was 39% planted as of Sunday, compared to 32% last week, 36% last year and a 38% average.

Barley was 81% planted, behind the average pace 84%. Forty-five percent of the crop was emerged as of Sunday, compared to an average of 58%. Oats were 86% planted, compared to 72% last week, 94% last year and a 91% average. Sixty-seven percent of oats were emerged, compared to 48% last week, 81% last year and a 77% average.

The following are highlights from weekly crop progress reports issued by National Ag Statistics Service offices in individual states. To view the full reports from each state, visit…


Storm systems at week's end brought locally heavy rain to mostly northern and eastern counties, while conditions in western and southern counties continued to deteriorate due to drought. Statewide, topsoil moisture was rated 12% very short, 25% short, 60% adequate and 3% surplus. Subsoil moisture was rated 13% very short, 24% short and 63% adequate. Barley was 91% emerged, ahead of the average of 79%. Corn was 67% planted, behind the average of 71%, while 31% of corn was emerged, equal to the five-year average. Sorghum was 8% planted compared to the average of 13%. Spring wheat was 89% planted and 69% emerged. Winter wheat was 86% jointed, ahead of the average of 82%, and 34% of the crop was headed compared to the average of 32%. Winter wheat condition was rated 79% good to excellent.


There were 5.1 days suitable for fieldwork in Illinois last week. Statewide, the average temperature was 69.7 degrees, 5.7 degrees above normal. Precipitation averaged 1.06 inches, 0.13 inch above normal. Topsoil moisture supply was rated at 1% very short, 17% short, 75% adequate and 7% surplus. Subsoil moisture supply was rated at 1% very short, 17% short, 77% adequate and 5% surplus. Corn planted was at 96%, compared to 87% last year and the five-year average of 87%. Corn emerged was at 84%. Corn condition was rated at 88% good to excellent. Soybeans planted was at 81%, compared to the five-year average of 42%. Soybeans emerged was at 57%. Sorghum planted was at 30%. Winter wheat headed reached 74%, compared to the five-year average of 74%. Winter wheat condition was rated 66% good to excellent.


Warm temperatures and scattered showers aided crop emergence last week, while farmers continued to plant at every opportunity. Scattered rainfall in the north spurred emergence of planted fields while also slowing the progress of fieldwork. The central and southern portions of the state reported drier conditions that, while favorable for planting, hampered crop emergence and conditions in some fields. The average temperature for the week was 70.4 degrees, 7.3 degrees above normal for the state. The amounts of rainfall recorded at weather stations varied from zero to 3.42 inches over the week. The statewide average for precipitation was 0.95 inch, or 96% of normal. There were 5.0 days available for fieldwork. Planting progress continued last week, between reports of scattered rain, with both corn and soybeans planted ahead of last year and the five-year average. Winter wheat growth progressed over the week with the scattered rains, but remains slightly behind where it was last year. Hay and pasture are reported to be greening up in the areas with significant rainfall, though the first cutting of alfalfa lags behind last year. Other activities for the week include side-dressing corn where possible, completing tillage work, spreading fertilizer, installing tile, and moving grain to elevators. Corn were rated 84% in good-to-excellent condition. Winter wheat was rated 68% good to excellent.


Wet field conditions and scattered rains limited Iowa farmers to 3.9 days suitable for fieldwork last week. Topsoil moisture levels were rated 2% very short, 5% short, 78% adequate and 15% surplus. Subsoil moisture levels rated 4% very short, 10% short, 74% adequate and 12% surplus. South-central Iowa reported the lowest levels of subsoil moisture with over two-thirds short to very short. Iowa growers have planted 86% of the expected corn crop, five days behind last year. The north-central district planted nearly half of their expected corn crop this past week. Fifty-three percent of the crop has emerged, one day behind last year. Soybean growers have 58% of the expected crop planted, two days ahead of the five-year average. One-quarter of the expected soybean crop across Iowa was planted this past week. Northwest and north-central Iowa remain well behind the other districts with less than one-third of their soybean crop planted. Eighteen percent of soybeans have emerged, two days ahead of last year. Nearly all the expected oat crop has been planted, over one week behind last year and four days behind average. Eighty-six percent of the crop has emerged, five days behind last year.


There were 5.1 days suitable for fieldwork in Kansas last week. Topsoil moisture supplies were rated 21% very short, 30% short, 47% adequate and 2% surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies were rated 21% very short, 37% short, 41% adequate and 1% surplus. Winter wheat condition was rated 15% good to excellent. Winter wheat jointed was 96%. Headed was 71%, well behind 93% last year, and behind 80% for the five-year average. Corn planted was 82%, ahead of 69% last year, and near 79% average. Emerged was 56%, ahead of 46% last year and 49% average. Soybeans planted was 50%, well ahead of 25% last year and 24% average. Emerged was 21%, ahead of 12% last year and 8% average. Sorghum planted was 8%, near 4% last year and 6% average. Cotton planted was 30%, well ahead of 7% last year, and ahead of 12% average.


There were 3.3 days suitable for fieldwork in Michigan last week. Warm and mostly dry weather in northern and some areas of central Michigan allowed producers to make good fieldwork progress. Many fields in southern Michigan were reportedly very wet from frequent rains, which slowed planting progress. Despite challenges due to wet conditions in some areas, corn and soybean planting progress advanced 16 and 11 percentage points, respectively. Corn planting reached the half-way point of completion. Oat and barley seeding made steady progress. Oat planting progress remained behind the previous year and five-year average, but emergence surpassed the previous year average. Winter wheat development was boosted by the warm temperatures, but the crop was showing signs of moisture stress in some areas of southern Michigan. Hay was showing growth after a slow start, but producers have yet to begin first cutting. Other activities during the week included applying herbicides and fertilizers, and performing spring tillage operations. Winter wheat rated 66% good to excellent. Oats rated 80% good to excellent.


Warm, dry weather prevailed across Minnesota allowing producers 5.7 days suitable for fieldwork last week. That was the most days suitable thus far this season, allowing farmers to make good planting progress. Topsoil moisture supplies were rated 4% very short, 10% short, 76% adequate and 10% surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies were rated 1% very short, 7% short, 83% adequate and 9% surplus. Minnesota's spring wheat was 85% planted, eight days behind last year but three days ahead of the five-year average. Forty percent of the spring wheat crop had emerged, five days behind last year and six days behind average. Oats were reported as 85% planted, five days behind last year, with 54% of the oat crop emerged, eight days behind both last year and average. The first oat condition rating of the season was 73% good to excellent. Planting of the barley crop was reported as 80% complete, one week behind last year. Thirty-five percent of the barley crop had emerged, five days behind last year and one week behind average. Corn planting was 77% completed, one week behind last year and three days behind average. Twenty-four percent of the corn crop had emerged, five days behind last year. Soybeans were 48% planted, five days behind last year and three days behind average.


Warmer temperatures and above-average precipitation for the week improved crop conditions. Temperatures last week averaged 71.5 degrees, 6.3 degrees above normal. Precipitation averaged 1.66 inches statewide, 0.56 inch above normal. There were 4.3 days suitable for fieldwork for the week. Topsoil moisture supply was rated 6% very short, 16% short, 67% adequate and 11% surplus. Subsoil moisture supply was rated 7% very short, 23% short, 65% adequate and 5% surplus. Corn planting progressed 5 percentage points to 96% complete, which is 9 percentage points ahead of the five-year average. Corn emerged progressed to 84%, 20 percentage points ahead of the previous week. Corn condition was rated at 71% good to excellent. Soybean planting was 61% complete with 33% emerged. Cotton planting progressed to 94%, 21 percentage points ahead of the five-year average. Rice planting progressed to 95% this week. Rice emerged progressed to 75%, 27 percentage points ahead of the previous week, but still 1 percentage point behind the five-year average. Sorghum planted is at 53%, 18 percentage points ahead of the five-year average. Winter wheat headed is at 84%, 13 percentage points behind last year. Winter wheat condition was rated 48% good to excellent.


There were 4.3 days suitable for fieldwork last week. Topsoil moisture supplies were rated 2% very short, 15% short, 72% adequate and 11% surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies were rated 4% very short, 22% short, 72% adequate and 2% surplus. Corn planted was 88%, near 86% last year, and equal to the five-year average. Emerged was 53%, near 49% last year, and ahead of 48 average. Soybeans planted was 68%, ahead of 50% last year and 51% average. Emerged was 25%, ahead of 12 both last year and average. Winter wheat condition was rated 62% good to excellent. Winter wheat headed was 4%, well behind 57% last year and 29% average. Sorghum planted was 31%, ahead of 17% last year, and near 27% average. Oats condition was rated 76% good to excellent. Oats planted was 95%, near 99% last year and 98% average. Emerged was 86%, behind 96% last year and 91% average. Headed was 1%, near 5% last year and 3% average.

North Dakota

There were 5.1 days suitable for fieldwork last week. Topsoil moisture supplies were rated 10% very short, 24% short, 63% adequate and 3% surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies were rated 14% very short, 34% short, 50% adequate and 2% surplus. Soybeans planted was 33%, well behind 53% last year, and behind 40% for the five-year average. Emerged was 1%, behind 9% last year and 7% average. Spring wheat planted was 78%, behind 86% last year, but ahead of 71% average. Emerged was 30%, well behind 52% last year, and behind 41% average. Durum wheat planted was 62%, behind 69% last year, but ahead of 57% average. Emerged was 17%, behind 33% last year and 27% average. Winter wheat condition rated 40% good to excellent. Winter wheat jointed was 28%, well behind 57% last year. Corn planted was 62%, behind 79% last year and 67% average. Emerged was 8%, well behind 34% last year, and behind 22% average. Canola planted was 52%, behind 68% last year, and near 55% average. Emerged was 7%, well behind 27% last year, and behind 22% average. Oats condition rated 55% good to excellent. Oats planted was 65%, well behind 85% last year, and behind 71% average. Emerged was 25%, well behind 51% last year, and behind 38% average. Jointed was 1%, behind 8% last year. Barley condition rated 62% good to excellent. Barley planted was 80%, behind 87% last year, but ahead of 68% average. Emerged was 32%, well behind 53% last year, and behind 39% average.


Planting proceeded across the state despite continued wet weather last week. Statewide, there were 3.5 days suitable for fieldwork. Topsoil moisture supplies were rated 9% short, 69% adequate and 22% surplus. Subsoil moisture was rated 5% short, 71% adequate and 24% surplus. Corn planting was 71% complete as of Sunday, ahead of the five-year average of 66%. Corn was 45% emerged, also ahead of the average pace of 34%. Soybeans were 50% planted, ahead of the average pace of 37%, and 22% of the crop was emerged, also ahead of the average of 11%. Winter wheat was 28% headed, behind the average of 36%. Winter wheat condition was rated 76% good to excellent. Oats were 89% planted and 73% emerged.


The statewide average rainfall total for the week was 1.41 inches, with the southwest district recording the highest precipitation at 2.06 inches. Statewide, temperatures averaged in the low 70s. Topsoil and subsoil moisture conditions were rated mostly very short to adequate. There were 5.1 days suitable for fieldwork. Canola coloring reached 28%, down 49 points from the previous year. Oats headed reached 45%, down 4 points from normal. Corn planted reached 80%, up 4 points from the previous year, and emerged reached 60%, down 8 points from the previous year. Sorghum planted reached 30%, down 7 points from the previous year. Soybeans planted reached 36%, up 11 points from the previous year, and emerged reached 7%, down 1 point from the previous year. Cotton planted reached 40%, up 14 points from normal.

South Dakota

There were 5.1 days suitable for fieldwork in South Dakota last week. Topsoil moisture supplies were rated 1% very short, 11% short, 81% adequate and 7% surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies were rated 2% very short, 20% short, 74% adequate and 4% surplus. Corn planted was 66%, behind 81% for the five-year average, and emerged was 15%, behind 35% average. Soybeans planted was 24%, behind 44% average. Emerged was 2%, behind 8% average. Winter wheat condition was rated 46% good to excellent. Spring wheat planted was 94%, equal to average, and emerged was 63%, behind 73% average. Oats condition was rated 46% good to excellent. Oats planted was 92%, near 94% average, and emerged was 70%, behind 79% average. Sorghum planted was 28%, ahead of 16% average.


Weather conditions were mostly dry and warm through the early part of the week; however, thunderstorms arrived late week, bringing much-needed precipitation. Most of the state received between 0.2 inch and 1.5 inches of rain. Areas of south-central Texas, the Edwards Plateau, the Cross Timbers, the Upper Coast and Low Plains averaged between 2 and 3 inches of rain, with isolated areas getting more than 5 inches. However, the Trans-Pecos received little to no precipitation during the week. There were 6.2 days suitable for fieldwork. Statewide, topsoil moisture was rated 32% very short, 31% short, 36% adequate and 1% surplus. Subsoil moisture was rated 26% very short, 40% short, 33% adequate and 1% surplus. Corn was 88% planted, 81% emerged and 24% silked. Cotton was 43% planted and 8% squaring. Rice was 99% planted and 87% emerged. Sorghum was 90% planted and 20% headed. Soybeans were 75% planted and 63% emerged. Winter wheat was 12% harvested as of Sunday, ahead of the average of 7%. Oats were 30% harvested, also ahead of the average of 16%.


There were 5.2 days suitable for fieldwork statewide last week. Reporters in northern, and especially northwestern Wisconsin, noted a full seven days of sunshine, allowing excellent progress with planting and tillage. Meanwhile, producers in southern Wisconsin were able to get lots of seeds in the ground before another rainy weekend slowed fieldwork. Statewide, topsoil moisture supplies were rated 6% short, 78% adequate and 16% surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies were rated 5% short, 83% adequate and 12% surplus. Corn planting was 56% complete, four days behind the average. Corn emerged was at 21%, one day behind the average. Thirty-three percent of the state's expected soybean acres have been planted, one day behind the average. Seven percent of the state's soybeans have emerged, even with the average. Winter wheat was 81% in good-to-excellent condition statewide, up 4 percentage points from last week.


Editor's Note: Consider entering our DTN/The Progressive Farmer #MyPlanting18 Photo Contest from now until May 25 for a chance to win some great prizes.

Entering is easy, but please limit yourself to one entry per month. For all the details, visit:…

National Crop Progress Summary
This Last Last 5-Year
Week Week Year Avg.
Corn Planted 81 62 82 81
Corn Emerged 50 28 51 47
Soybeans Planted 56 35 50 44
Soybeans Emerged 26 10 17 15
Cotton Planted 52 36 49 45
Sorghum Planted 39 32 36 38
Spring Wheat Planted 79 58 88 80
Spring Wheat Emerged 37 14 59 52
Winter Wheat Headed 61 45 71 64
Barley Planted 81 62 87 84
Barley Emerged 45 21 57 58
Oats Planted 86 72 94 91
Oats Emerged 67 48 81 77
Oats Headed 25 NA 22 25
Rice Planted 93 83 90 89
Rice Emerged 74 61 77 74


National Crop Condition Summary
(VP=Very Poor; P=Poor; F=Fair; G=Good; E=Excellent)
This Week Last Week Last Year
Winter Wheat 15 20 29 29 7 14 22 28 29 7 4 11 33 44 8
Rice - 3 24 62 11 NA NA NA NA NA 5 6 24 49 16
Oats 5 7 30 52 6 NA NA NA NA NA 1 5 31 55 8

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