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Portland Grain Review 08/30

30 Aug 2018
August 30, 2018 Portland Price Trends 08-01-17 01-01-18 07-01-18 08-23-18 08-30-18 #1 SWW (bu) 5.20 5.32 6.00 6.12 6.05 White Club 5.30 5.32 6.00 6.14 6.05 DNS 14% 8.38 7.52 6.52 6.77 6.48 HRW 11.5% 5.65 5.60 5.86 6.39 6.20 #2 Corn (ton) 148.00 157.00 157.00 159.00 156.00 #2 Barley 125.00 128.00 150.00 145.00 140.00 Wheat...A retreat across the futures complex today saw white wheat bids hold mostly steady on firming basis levels, while the protein wheats moved lower with futures. U.S. white wheat markets continue to see swing buyers such as Indonesia booking purchases in additional to traditional interest from the Pacific Rim buyers. Weekly Sales..USDA reported a solid rebound in U.S. wheat sales over the past week, with total sales of 15.2 mb coming in near the four-week average to put the year-to-date commitments at 330 mb. That total stands 22% below a year ago and 24% behind the five-year average pace. Top seller last week was hard red winter with 4.2 mb, moving sales to 95 mb which sets 39% under a year ago and 37% below average. Hard red spring garnered another 4 mb to put sales at 100 mb; 13% below both a year ago and the average pace. White wheat booked 2.9 mb and sets at 84 mb, which stands 20% under a year ago but 12% ahead of average. Soft red winter had a relatively strong showing with 3.3 mb and with 43 mb in commitments sets 2% ahead of a year ago but 50% off the five-year average. Top Buyers...The Philippines once again claimed top buying honors for the week with 3.7 mb of soft white and hard red spring wheat. Japan followed at 3.3 mb, Mexico booked 2.9 mb and Indonesia was back into the US market for 1.9 of white wheat. -Norm Ruhoff Contributing Analyst Copyright 2018 DTN/Telvent. All Rights Reserved.