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Cattle on Feed Preview

21 Mar 2019
By Rick Kment
DTN Livestock Analyst

OMAHA (DTN) -- Little significant change is expected in the Cattle on Feed report Friday with current estimates pegging total animals on feed at 99.7% of year-ago levels. The expected 4% reduction in cattle placements through February will likely be the main focus of the report and pre-report adjustments. These numbers appear to have already been partially factored into the market given the strong market shifts over the last two weeks.

USDA Pre-report Estimates
Actual Avg Low High
On feed March 1 99.7 99.0 100.6
On feed February 1
Placed on feed during February 96.0 92.2 101.5
Fed cattle marketed during February 100.8 99.7 101.3

Rick Kment can be reached at [email protected]