DTN Closing Livestock Comment 04/08 17:08
8 Apr 2019
DTN Closing Livestock Comment 04/08 17:08 Livestock Prices Mixed in Light Trade Monday Livestock futures were mixed in sluggish trade Monday. Prices pulled back early as traders continued to adjust positions and take profits, but late-day support pulled most contracts off of early lows. By Rick Kment DTN Analyst GENERAL COMMENTS: Nearby lean hog futures saw moderate pressure Monday as traders started adjusting positions following last week's rally. Futures were mixed throughout the rest of livestock markets. Cash markets were undeveloped with bids and offers still unavailable. This is expected to be the situation until midweek or later. The National Daily Direct afternoon hog report was $0.38 lower ($67-$78, weighted average $75.40) on 8,347 head sold. Corn futures were lower in light-to-moderate trade with May down 2 1/2 cents per bushel. The Dow Jones Index was 83 points lower with the Nasdaq up 15 points.