DTN Closing Livestock Comment 06/21 16:14
21 Jun 2019
DTN Closing Livestock Comment 06/21 16:14 Lean Hogs Close Limit Lower July through October lean hog futures closed $3 per cwt lower Friday. Losses were seen throughout the rest of livestock trade, as well, leading to concern of additional pressure early next week. By Rick Kment DTN Analyst GENERAL COMMENTS: Lean hog futures closed down the $3-per-cwt limit Friday, which will trigger expanded limits Monday. Cattle futures also fell late Friday, breaking through short-term support. From Friday to Friday, livestock futures scored the following changes: Jun LC off $2.23; Aug LC off $2.05; Aug FC off $1.85; Sep FC off $1.75; Jul LH off $5.10; Aug LH off $2.72. Cash cattle trade appears to be done for the week following light-to-moderate trade Thursday. A few scattered bids were seen at $109 to $110 per cwt live basis and $178 dressed, but the lack of interest at the lower prices is likely to keep most cattle on showlists until next week. The National Daily Direct afternoon hog report was $0.69 lower ($65-$76, weighted average $74.03) on 8,216 head sold. Corn futures eroded Friday afternoon with July down 7 3/4 cents per bushel. The Dow Jones Index was 34 points lower with the NASDAQ down 19 points.