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DTN Cattle Prices 08/19 13:50

19 Aug 2019
WEEKLY CASH CATTLE 08/19 13:50 WEEKLY DIRECT SLAUGHTER CATTLE - FOR THE WEEK ENDING: 08/16 WT AV LV % CH PRICE RANGE VOLUME WT AV DR % CH PRICE RANGE VOL KANSAS FORMULA/FORWARD 85,686 / WTD 11,309 / WEEKLY TOTAL 95,445 STEERS - LIVE FOB STEERS - DRESSED DELIVERED 105.25 TOTAL 105.00-107.00 3,504 171.28 TOTAL 170.00-172.00 223 STEERS - LIVE DELIVERED STEERS - DRESSED FOB No reportable trade 165.00 TOTAL 165.00-165.00 41 HEIFERS - LIVE FOB HEIFERS - DRESSED DELIVERED 104.98 TOTAL 104.00-105.00 4,583 171.01 TOTAL 170.00-172.00 162 HEIFERS - LIVE DELIVERED HEIFERS - DRESSED FOB No reportable trade No reportable trade NEBRASKA FORMULA/FORWARD 65,009 / WTD 13,389 / WEEKLY TOTAL 87,540 STEERS - LIVE FOB STEERS - DRESSED DELIVERED 106.48 TOTAL 105.00-107.00 4,130 170.59 TOTAL 165.00-172.00 3,502 STEERS - LIVE DELIVERED STEERS - DRESSED FOB No reportable trade 171.02 TOTAL 170.00-173.00 386 HEIFERS - LIVE FOB HEIFERS - DRESSED DELIVERED 106.57 TOTAL 105.00-107.00 2,683 168.83 TOTAL 165.00-172.00 1,287 HEIFERS - LIVE DELIVERED HEIFERS - DRESSED FOB No reportable trade 171.00 TOTAL 171.00-171.00 209 TEXAS FORMULA/FORWARD 90,598 / WTD 6,635 / WEEKLY TOTAL 94,603 STEERS - LIVE FOB STEERS - DRESSED DELIVERED 105.00 TOTAL 105.00-105.00 1,924 No reportable trade STEERS - LIVE DELIVERED STEERS - DRESSED FOB No reportable trade No reportable trade HEIFERS - LIVE FOB HEIFERS - DRESSED DELIVERED 104.91 TOTAL 103.00-105.00 3,521 185.00 TOTAL 185.00-185.00 104 HEIFERS - LIVE DELIVERED HEIFERS - DRESSED FOB No reportable trade No reportable trade SEE FRIDAY'S DAILY DIRECT SLAUGHTER CATTLE NEGOTIATED PURCHASES SUMMARIES BELOW DTN COMMENTS: The country remains typically quiet for a Monday with just a few Northern asking prices being reported at $109 to $110 live and $178 dressed. Significant trade volume will likely be delayed until Wednesday or later. New showlists appear to be higher in all feeding areas especially in Texas. Today's slaughter totaled 115,000 head, even with last week, but 2,000 smaller than a year ago. Cattle futures closed mixed on both live (up 27 to off 27) and feeder (up 10 to off 5) issues, nearbys fared better than deferreds. Beef cutouts are expected to close mixed, with light box movement. DAILY DIRECT SLAUGHTER CATTLE-NEGOTIATED PURCHASES-SUMMARY **Summary includes trade from 1:30 PM the previous day through 9:30 AM today.** KANSAS CONFIRMED CASH SALES: 2,013 WEEK TO DATE: 11,309 STEERS - LIVE - FOB STEERS - DRESSED - DELIVERED 106.03 65-80 105.00-107.00 859 No reportable trade 106.03 TOTAL 150.00-107.00 859 STEERS - LIVE - DELIVERED STEERS - DRESSED - FOB No reportable trade No reportable trade HEIFERS - LIVE - FOB HEIFERS - DRESSED - DELIVERED 105.00 65-80 105.00-105.00 717 No reportable trade 105.00 TOTAL 105.00-105.00 717 HEIFERS - LIVE - DELIVERED HEIFERS - DRESSED - FOB No reportable trade No reportable trade NEBRASKA CONFIRMED CASH SALES: 6,897 WEEK TO DATE: 13,389 STEERS - LIVE - FOB STEERS - DRESSED - DELIVERED 106.69 80+ 106.00-107.00 2,552 171.29 80+ 170.00-172.00 112 107.00 65-80 107.00-107.00 434 172.00 65-80 172.00-172.00 1,052 106.73 TOTAL 106.00-107.00 2,986 171.93 TOTAL 170.00-172.00 1,164 STEERS - LIVE - DELIVERED STEERS - DRESSED - FOB No reportable trade 173.00 80+ 173.00-173.00 111 173.00 TOTAL 173.00-173.00 111 HEIFERS - LIVE - FOB HEIFERS - DRESSED - DELIVERED 106.84 80+ 105.00-107.00 1,554 172.00 80+ 172.00-172.00 233 107.00 65-80 107.00-107.00 333 106.86 TOTAL 105.00-107.00 1,887 172.00 TOTAL 172.00-172.00 233 HEIFERS - LIVE - DELIVERED HEIFERS - DRESSED - FOB No reportable trade No reportable trade TEXAS CONFIRMED CASH SALES: 0 WEEK TO DATE: 6,635 STEERS - LIVE - FOB STEERS - DRESSED - DELIVERED No reportable trade No reportable trade STEERS - LIVE - DELIVERED STEERS - DRESSED - FOB No reportable trade No reportable trade HEIFERS - LIVE - FOB HEIFERS - DRESSED - DELIVERED No reportable trade No reportable trade HEIFERS - LIVE - DELIVERED HEIFERS - DRESSED - FOB No reportable trade No reportable trade COLORADO CONFIRMED CASH SALES: NA Conf WEEK TO DATE: NA Conf STEERS - LIVE - FOB STEERS - DRESSED - DELIVERED Not reportable due to confidentiality No reportable trade STEERS - LIVE - DELIVERED STEERS - DRESSED - FOB No reportable trade No reportable trade HEIFERS - LIVE - FOB HEIFERS - DRESSED - DELIVERED Not reportable due to confidentiality No reportable trade HEIFERS - LIVE - DELIVERED HEIFERS - DRESSED - FOB No reportable trade No reportable trade IOWA CONFIRMED CASH SALES: 5,939 WEEK TO DATE: 13,579 STEERS - LIVE - FOB STEERS - DRESSED - DELIVERED 109.63 80+ 107.00-111.00 3,582 173.45 80+ 172.00-178.00 374 109.63 TOTAL 107.00-111.00 3,582 173.45 TOTAL 172.00-178.00 374 STEERS - LIVE - DELIVERED STEERS - DRESSED - FOB 111.00 80+ 111.00-111.00 35 No reportable trade 111.00 TOTAL 111.00-111.00 35 HEIFERS - LIVE - FOB HEIFERS - DRESSED - DELIVERED 109.17 80+ 107.00-110.00 996 173.58 80+ 172.00-174.00 271 109.17 TOTAL 107.00-110.00 996 173.58 TOTAL 172.00-174.00 271 HEIFERS - LIVE - DELIVERED HEIFERS - DRESSED - FOB 108.85 80+ 107.00-110.50 85 No reportable trade 108.85 TOTAL 107.00-110.50 85 Feedlots are encouraged to call DTN with any cattle sales, at 1-800-369-7675 ext. 3678. All sales will be listed anonymously and organized by state. General trends and summaries from this data will also be posted on the Daily Sales Reported to DTN page.