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DTN Cattle Prices/Trends 12/24 09:00

24 Dec 2019
DTN CATTLE PRICES/TRENDS 12/24 09:00 HEAD SOLD LIVE STEERS DRESSED LIVE HEIFERS DRESSED KANSAS . . . . . NEBRASKA . . . . . ) TEXAS . . . . . COLORADO . . . . . IOWA . . . . . *PRIVATE SOURCES DTN COMMENTS: Asking prices in Texas and Kansas are being established at $123, and dressed cattle in Nebraska are being offered at $195. Packers have yet to offer any bids, so trade may wait until the latter part of the week if bids don't surface soon. Texas does have 56,000 head of cattle committed for delivery this week. ** MONDAY, DEC. 23, VALUES. USDA REPORTS WILL NOT UPDATE 12/24 AND 12/25.** 5-AREA LV STR AVG(FOB)PR&WT: $120.89(1510) HIDE&OFFAL: $8.95 -0.20 CARCASS EQV INDEX CHOICE (600-900#) SELECT (600-900#) #OF HD LIVE BASED $183.11 $171.98 58,232 BOX BASED $199.57 $192.64 48,777 AVE INDEX $191.34 +1.03 $182.31 +4.54 107,009 BEEF CUTOUTS CHOICE (600-900#) SELECT (600-900#) $211.57 +1.87 $204.64 +3.61 55.52 LDS CH CUTS / 16.20 LDS SEL CUTS / 11.50 LDS TRIM / 20.20 LDS GROUND BOXED BEEF TREND: Hgr to shrply hr on lgt-moder dem & lgt offers. COMPREHENSIVE WEEKLY CUTOUT VALUE: Week ending 12/20 $214.64 -3.67 CUTTER 90% 350# UP C/O: $185.63 +0.73 NAT'L BONELESS BF TRIM: 32.63 lds / Lower on lgt dem & moder offers 90% TRIM: 04 lds: Wtd Avg $241.59 / Lower FI KILL(WTD) MON 113 WK AGO 120 YR AGO 18 MIX: FRI SH93/CB23 SAT SH51/CB15 **This report will not be published Dec. 24th or 25th** WEEKLY CANADIAN CATTLE IMPORTS. FEEDERS SLAUGHTER S&H Week Ending: 11/30/19 929 11,409 Week Ending: 11/23/19 1,840 12,325 Change from prev week: -911 -916 NOTE: Feedlots are encouraged to call DTN with any cattle sales, at 1-800-369-7675, ext. 3678. All sales will be listed anonymously and organized by state. All live sales are FOB and set for 1-9 day delivery. General trends and summaries from this data will also be posted on the Daily Sales Reported to DTN page.