DTN Cattle Prices 02/24 13:30
24 Feb 2020
WEEKLY CASH CATTLE 02/24 13:30 WEEKLY DIRECT SLAUGHTER CATTLE - FOR THE WEEK ENDING: 02/21 WT AV LV % CH PRICE RANGE VOLUME WT AV DR % CH PRICE RANGE VOL KANSAS FORMULA/FORWARD 73,456 / WTD 19,584 / WEEKLY TOTAL 93,040 STEERS - LIVE FOB STEERS - DRESSED DELIVERED 119.93 TOTAL 118.00-120.00 9,985 190.00 TOTAL 190.00-190.00 74 STEERS - LIVE DELIVERED STEERS - DRESSED FOB 121.50 TOTAL 121.50-121.50 74 No reportable trade HEIFERS - LIVE FOB HEIFERS - DRESSED DELIVERED 120.00 TOTAL 120.00-120.00 4,707 No reportable trade HEIFERS - LIVE DELIVERED HEIFERS - DRESSED FOB No reportable trade No reportable trade NEBRASKA FORMULA/FORWARD 53,864 / WTD 23,664 / WEEKLY TOTAL 77,528 STEERS - LIVE FOB STEERS - DRESSED DELIVERED 119.36 TOTAL 118.00-120.00 5,929 190.06 TOTAL 189.00-191.00 8,021 STEERS - LIVE DELIVERED STEERS - DRESSED FOB 120.00 TOTAL 120.00-120.00 1,053 189.00 TOTAL 189.00-189.00 213 HEIFERS - LIVE FOB HEIFERS - DRESSED DELIVERED 119.46 TOTAL 118.00-120.00 3,379 190.34 TOTAL 190.00-191.00 1,419 HEIFERS - LIVE DELIVERED HEIFERS - DRESSED FOB 120.00 TOTAL 120.00-120.00 1,260 No reportable trade TEXAS FORMULA/FORWARD 81,108 / WTD 7,479 / WEEKLY TOTAL 88,587 STEERS - LIVE FOB STEERS - DRESSED DELIVERED 120.00 TOTAL 120.00-120.00 3,820 No reportable trade STEERS - LIVE DELIVERED STEERS - DRESSED FOB No reportable trade No reportable trade HEIFERS - LIVE FOB HEIFERS - DRESSED DELIVERED 119.91 TOTAL 119.00-120.00 1,584 No reportable trade HEIFERS - LIVE DELIVERED HEIFERS - DRESSED FOB No reportable trade No reportable trade SEE FRIDAY'S DAILY DIRECT SLAUGHTER CATTLE NEGOTIATED PURCHASES SUMMARIES BELOW DTN COMMENTS: The country remains quiet this afternoon with bids and asking prices not established as of yet, significant trade volume will likely be delayed until the second half of the week. New showlists appear to be mixed, higher in Texas, and Kansas, but lower in Nebraska/Colorado. Today's slaughter totaled 118,000 head, 11,000 greater than last week, and 3,000 more than a year ago. Cattle futures closed sharply lower with all contracts closing fully in the red, some feeder contracts limit down (live off 250 to 300, feeders off 292 to 450). Beef cutouts are expected to close mixed with generally light box movement. DAILY DIRECT SLAUGHTER CATTLE-NEGOTIATED PURCHASES-SUMMARY **Summary includes trade from 1:30 PM the previous day through 9:30 AM today.** KANSAS CONFIRMED CASH SALES: 37 WEEK TO DATE: 19,584 STEERS - LIVE - FOB STEERS - DRESSED - DELIVERED No reportable trade No reportable trade STEERS - LIVE - DELIVERED STEERS - DRESSED - FOB No reportable trade No reportable trade HEIFERS - LIVE - FOB HEIFERS - DRESSED - DELIVERED No reportable trade No reportable trade HEIFERS - LIVE - DELIVERED HEIFERS - DRESSED - FOB No reportable trade No reportable trade NEBRASKA CONFIRMED CASH SALES: 1,682 WEEK TO DATE: 23,664 STEERS - LIVE - FOB STEERS - DRESSED - DELIVERED 119.00 80+ 119.00-119.00 571 190.04 80+ 189.00-191.00 772 119.00 TOTAL 119.00-119.00 571 190.04 TOTAL 189.00-191.00 772 STEERS - LIVE - DELIVERED STEERS - DRESSED - FOB No reportable trade 189.00 80+ 189.00-189.00 213 189.00 TOTAL 189.00-189.00 213 HEIFERS - LIVE - FOB HEIFERS - DRESSED - DELIVERED No reportable trade 190.00 80+ 190.00-190.00 84 190.00 TOTAL 190.00-190.00 84 HEIFERS - LIVE - DELIVERED HEIFERS - DRESSED - FOB No reportable trade No reportable trade TEXAS CONFIRMED CASH SALES: 0 WEEK TO DATE: 7,479 STEERS - LIVE - FOB STEERS - DRESSED - DELIVERED No reportable trade No reportable trade STEERS - LIVE - DELIVERED STEERS - DRESSED - FOB No reportable trade No reportable trade HEIFERS - LIVE - FOB HEIFERS - DRESSED - DELIVERED No reportable trade No reportable trade HEIFERS - LIVE - DELIVERED HEIFERS - DRESSED - FOB No reportable trade No reportable trade COLORADO CONFIRMED CASH SALES: NA Conf WEEK TO DATE: NA Conf STEERS - LIVE - FOB STEERS - DRESSED - DELIVERED NA Due to Confidentiality No reportable trade STEERS - LIVE - DELIVERED STEERS - DRESSED - FOB No reportable trade No reportable trade HEIFERS - LIVE - FOB HEIFERS - DRESSED - DELIVERED NA Due to Confidentiality No reportable trade HEIFERS - LIVE - DELIVERED HEIFERS - DRESSED - FOB No reportable trade No reportable trade IOWA CONFIRMED CASH SALES: 9,017 WEEK TO DATE: 24,051 STEERS - LIVE - FOB STEERS - DRESSED - DELIVERED 119.39 80+ 116.00-122.00 3,283 189.94 80+ 189.00-190.00 2,507 119.39 TOTAL 116.00-122.00 3,283 189.94 TOTAL 189.00-190.00 2,507 STEERS - LIVE - DELIVERED STEERS - DRESSED - FOB 122.00 80+ 122.00-122.00 734 190.00 80+ 190.00-190.00 196 122.00 TOTAL 122.00-122.00 734 190.00 TOTAL 190.00-190.00 196 HEIFERS - LIVE - FOB HEIFERS - DRESSED - DELIVERED 118.91 80+ 117.00-120.50 492 189.98 80+ 189.00-191.00 909 118.91 TOTAL 117.00-120.50 492 189.00 TOTAL 189.00-191.00 909 HEIFERS - LIVE - DELIVERED HEIFERS - DRESSED - FOB 122.00 80+ 122.00-122.00 76 No reportable trade 122.00 TOTAL 122.00-122.00 76 Feedlots are encouraged to call DTN with any cattle sales, at 1-800-369-7675 ext. 3678. All sales will be listed anonymously and organized by state. General trends and summaries from this data will also be posted on the Daily Sales Reported to DTN page.