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DTN Cattle Prices 03/09 13:30

9 Mar 2020
WEEKLY CASH CATTLE 03/09 13:30 WEEKLY DIRECT SLAUGHTER CATTLE - FOR THE WEEK ENDING: 03/06 WT AV LV % CH PRICE RANGE VOLUME WT AV DR % CH PRICE RANGE VOL KANSAS FORMULA/FORWARD 82,722 / WTD 23,741 / WEEKLY TOTAL 106,463 STEERS - LIVE FOB STEERS - DRESSED DELIVERED 112.80 TOTAL 108.00-113.00 8,370 181.00 TOTAL 181.00-181.00 159 STEERS - LIVE DELIVERED STEERS - DRESSED FOB No reportable trade No reportable trade HEIFERS - LIVE FOB HEIFERS - DRESSED DELIVERED 112.75 TOTAL 110.00-113.00 8,856 180.00 TOTAL 180.00-180.00 86 HEIFERS - LIVE DELIVERED HEIFERS - DRESSED FOB No reportable trade No reportable trade NEBRASKA FORMULA/FORWARD 46,025 / WTD 30,499 / WEEKLY TOTAL 76,524 STEERS - LIVE FOB STEERS - DRESSED DELIVERED 112.80 TOTAL 112.00-115.00 8,565 181.04 TOTAL 178.00-182.00 8,451 STEERS - LIVE DELIVERED STEERS - DRESSED FOB 114.00 TOTAL 114.00-114.00 156 180.74 TOTAL 180.00-181.00 671 HEIFERS - LIVE FOB HEIFERS - DRESSED DELIVERED 112.87 TOTAL 112.00-114.00 7,430 180.77 TOTAL 180.00-182.00 1,655 HEIFERS - LIVE DELIVERED HEIFERS - DRESSED FOB 114.00 TOTAL 114.00-114.00 42 181.00 TOTAL 181.00-181.00 115 TEXAS FORMULA/FORWARD 96,145 / WTD 6,645 / WEEKLY TOTAL 102,790 STEERS - LIVE FOB STEERS - DRESSED DELIVERED 112.98 TOTAL 112.00-113.00 3,989 No reportable trade STEERS - LIVE DELIVERED STEERS - DRESSED FOB No reportable trade No reportable trade HEIFERS - LIVE FOB HEIFERS - DRESSED DELIVERED 113.00 TOTAL 113.00-113.00 1,867 No reportable trade HEIFERS - LIVE DELIVERED HEIFERS - DRESSED FOB No reportable trade No reportable trade SEE FRIDAY'S DAILY DIRECT SLAUGHTER CATTLE NEGOTIATED PURCHASES SUMMARIES BELOW DTN COMMENTS: The country is fairly quiet this afternoon with a few early asking prices noted around $112 to $113 live, and $180 dressed. Significant trade volume will likely be delayed until later in the week. New showlists appear to be mixed, lower in the South, but somewhat higher in Nebraska/Colorado. Today's slaughter totaled 122,000 head, 1,000 more than last week, and 2,000 above a year ago. Cattle futures closed sharply lower on both live and feeder contracts, live issues were off 267 to 300, while all feeder contracts ended the day down the limit (450). Beef cutouts are expected to close lower, with generally light box movement. DAILY DIRECT SLAUGHTER CATTLE-NEGOTIATED PURCHASES-SUMMARY **Summary includes trade from 1:30 PM the previous day through 9:30 AM today.** KANSAS CONFIRMED CASH SALES: 1,831 WEEK TO DATE: 23,741 STEERS - LIVE - FOB STEERS - DRESSED - DELIVERED 111.00 80+ 111.00-111.00 64 No reportable trade 110.05 65-80 108.00-111.00 531 110.15 TOTAL 108.00-111.00 595 STEERS - LIVE - DELIVERED STEERS - DRESSED - FOB No reportable trade No reportable trade HEIFERS - LIVE - FOB HEIFERS - DRESSED - DELIVERED 111.04 65-80 110.00-112.00 1,150 180.00 65-80 180.00-180.00 86 111.04 TOTAL 110.00-112.00 1,150 180.00 TOTAL 180.00-180.00 86 HEIFERS - LIVE - DELIVERED HEIFERS - DRESSED - FOB No reportable trade No reportable trade NEBRASKA CONFIRMED CASH SALES: 5,571 WEEK TO DATE: 30,499 STEERS - LIVE - FOB STEERS - DRESSED - DELIVERED 112.44 80+ 112.00-113.00 1,212 180.21 80+ 178.00-182.00 1,891 180.00 65-80 180.00-180.00 227 112.44 TOTAL 112.00-113.00 1,212 180.19 TOTAL 178.00-182.00 2,118 STEERS - LIVE - DELIVERED STEERS - DRESSED - FOB 114.00 80+ 114.00-114.00 156 No reportable trade 114.00 TOTAL 114.00-114.00 156 HEIFERS - LIVE - FOB HEIFERS - DRESSED - DELIVERED 112.00 80+ 112.00-112.00 836 180.00 80+ 180.00-180.00 224 112.00 TOTAL 112.00-112.00 836 180.00 TOTAL 180.00-180.00 224 HEIFERS - LIVE - DELIVERED HEIFERS - DRESSED - FOB 114.00 80+ 114.00-114.00 42 No reportable trade 114.00 TOTAL 114.00-114.00 42 TEXAS CONFIRMED CASH SALES: 0 WEEK TO DATE: 6,645 STEERS - LIVE - FOB STEERS - DRESSED - DELIVERED No reportable trade No reportable trade STEERS - LIVE - DELIVERED STEERS - DRESSED - FOB No reportable trade No reportable trade HEIFERS - LIVE - FOB HEIFERS - DRESSED - DELIVERED No reportable trade No reportable trade HEIFERS - LIVE - DELIVERED HEIFERS - DRESSED - FOB No reportable trade No reportable trade COLORADO CONFIRMED CASH SALES: NA Conf WEEK TO DATE: NA Conf STEERS - LIVE - FOB STEERS - DRESSED - DELIVERED NA Due to Confidentiality No reportable trade STEERS - LIVE - DELIVERED STEERS - DRESSED - FOB No reportable trade No reportable trade HEIFERS - LIVE - FOB HEIFERS - DRESSED - DELIVERED NA Due to Confidentiality No reportable trade HEIFERS - LIVE - DELIVERED HEIFERS - DRESSED - FOB No reportable trade No reportable trade IOWA CONFIRMED CASH SALES: 8,444 WEEK TO DATE: 34,342 STEERS - LIVE - FOB STEERS - DRESSED - DELIVERED 112.48 80+ 112.00-114.50 2,272 180.36 80+ 179.00-182.00 2,078 180.27 65-80 178.00-181.00 593 112.48 TOTAL 112.00-114.50 2,272 180.34 TOTAL 178.00-182.00 2,671 STEERS - LIVE - DELIVERED STEERS - DRESSED - FOB No reportable trade No reportable trade HEIFERS - LIVE - FOB HEIFERS - DRESSED - DELIVERED 112.29 80+ 111.00-113.50 1,738 180.06 80+ 180.00-181.00 669 112.29 TOTAL 111.00-113.50 1,738 180.06 TOTAL 180.00-181.00 669 HEIFERS - LIVE - DELIVERED HEIFERS - DRESSED - FOB 114.00 80+ 114.00-114.00 38 No reportable trade 114.00 TOTAL 114.00-114.00 38 Feedlots are encouraged to call DTN with any cattle sales, at 1-800-369-7675 ext. 3678. All sales will be listed anonymously and organized by state. General trends and summaries from this data will also be posted on the Daily Sales Reported to DTN page.