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DTN Closing Livestock Comment 03/12 16:14

12 Mar 2020
DTN Closing Livestock Comment 03/12 16:14 Lower ... Limit Lower Thursday came into the marketplace like a bad storm, and unfortunately its power isn't letting up. By ShayLe Stewart DTN Livestock Analyst GENERAL COMMENTS: There's both peace and pain in "time," and understanding how it will affect the mayhem of the coronavirus. Thankfully, in time, answers and solutions will develop. Health officials will crack the coronavirus code and give people of the world peace of mind knowing that they can't mitigate their risk of getting the virus, and both our markets and our day to day lives will go back to normal. On the other hand, unfortunately, with understanding that all things take time and that the market, and the world as a whole being is in uncharted waters, time leaves for vulnerability. The biggest question everyone wants answered is how long will this go on for? And for market enthusiasts and those worried about the economy, everyone what's to know how low things will go.