DTN Closing Livestock Comment 05/28 20:24
28 May 2020
DTN Closing Livestock Comment 05/28 20:24 Cattle Contracts Close Mixed Although Thursday started the day lower, some of the cattle contracts were able to come back and close higher after the noon hour. ShayLe Stewart DTN Livestock Analyst GENERAL COMMENTS: As the week turns to Friday, the futures market has rallied significantly and it would be discouraging to see Friday throw away the progress. Cash markets are already established so the unveiling will really come from Friday's board to wrap the week up. Hog prices closed lower on the National Direct Afternoon Hog Report, down $0.37 with a weighted average of $37.45 on 8,532 head sold. July corn is up 7 cents per bushel and July soybean meal is up $2.30. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is down 147.63 points and NASDAQ is down 43.37 points.