DTN Cattle Close/Trends 06/25 15:30
25 Jun 2020
USDA MARKET NEWS--AFTERNOON CATTLE REPORT 06/25/20 VOLUME USDA TOTAL RANGE DTN PRACTICAL RANGE WT AVG KANSAS CONFIRMED CASH SALES - TODAY: 7,040 WEEK TO DATE: 11,524 STEERS LIVE FOB 3,594 93.50-97.00 93.50-97.00 95.65 STEERS LIVE DELIVERED No reportable trade HEIFERS LIVE FOB 2,184 95.50-97.00 95.50-97.00 96.82 HEIFERS LIVE DELIVERED No reportable trade NEBRASKA CONFIRMED CASH SALES - TODAY: 3,723 WEEK TO DATE: 31,731 STEERS DRESSED DELIVERED 1,543 152.00-155.00 152.00-155.00 154.31 STEERS DRESSED FOB No reportable trade HEIFERS DRESSED DELIVERED 90 153.00-153.00 153.00-153.00 153.00 HEIFERS DRESSED FOB 42 152.00-152.00 152.00-152.00 152.00 TEXAS CONFIRMED CASH SALES - TODAY: 2,956 WEEK TO DATE: 4,100 STEERS LIVE FOB 1,613 95.00-97.00 95.00-97.00 95.21 STEERS LIVE DELIVERED No reportable trade HEIFERS LIVE FOB 854 93.00-97.00 93.00-97.00 93.53 HEIFERS LIVE DELIVERED No reportable trade COLORADO CONFIRMED CASH SALES - TODAY: NA Conf WEEK TO DATE: NA Conf STEERS LIVE FOB Trade not available due to confidentiality STEERS LIVE DELIVERED Trade not available due to confidentiality HEIFERS LIVE FOB Trade not available due to confidentiality HEIFERS LIVE DELIVERED Trade not available due to confidentiality IOWA CONFIRMED CASH SALES - TODAY: 716 WEEK TO DATE: 20,398 STEERS DRESSED DELIVERED 332 153.00-155.00 153.00-155.00 153.48 STEERS DRESSED FOB No reportable trade HEIFERS DRESSED DELIVERED 120 153.00-153.00 153.00-153.00 153.00 HEIFERS DRESSED FOB No reportable trade COMMENTS: A light trade was reported in some of feeding country today. KS had deals ranging from $95 to $97, steady to $2 lower than yesterday. TX deals were marked at $95, $6 lower than last week's weighted average. Northern dressed business ranged from $152 to $155, Steady to $1 lower than yesterday. 5-AREA LV STR AVG(FOB)PR&WT: $ 96.31(1450) HIDE&OFFAL: $7.11 Unchg CARCASS EQV INDEX CHOICE (600-900#) SELECT (600-900#) #OF HD LIVE BASED $150.46 $135.64 65,537 BOX BASED $196.26 $187.93 69,805 AVE INDEX $173.36 -2.44 $161.79 -2.61 135,342 BEEF CUTOUTS CHOICE (600-900#) SELECT (600-900#) $208.26 -1.43 $199.93 -1.76 113.42 LDS CH CUTS / 26.90 LDS SEL CUTS / 29.30 LDS TRIM / 38.44 LDS GROUND BOXED BEEF TREND: Not available due to technical difficulties COMPREHENSIVE WEEKLY CUTOUT VALUE: Week ending 06/19 $222.69 -25.97 CUTTER 90% 350# UP C/O: $201.92 -2.24 NAT'L BONELESS BF TRIM: 70.94 lds / Shrply lr on lt dem & hvy offers 90% TRIM: 23 lds: Wtd Avg $256.06 / Unevenly steady FI KILL(WTD) THU 120(479) WK AGO 120(478) YR AGO 123(490) MIX: WED SH94/CB26 WEEKLY CANADIAN CATTLE IMPORTS. FEEDERS SLAUGHTER S&H Week Ending: 06/13/20 880 8,274 Week Ending: 06/06/20 908 10,143 Change from prev week: -28 -1,869