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DTN Closing Livestock Comment 07/17 19:35

17 Jul 2020
DTN Closing Livestock Comment 07/17 19:35 Livestock Contracts Look to Monday with Optimism All three livestock markets trended higher for the week and cattle contracts closed Friday fully higher. ShayLe Stewart DTN Livestock Analyst GENERAL COMMENTS: Friday's close secured a strong week for cattle contracts and a plausible week for the lean hog complex. Higher trends were seen throughout all three markets, but the feeder cattle market, by far, stole the show this week, jumping considerably higher on the board and continuing to grab feeder cattle prices that seemed far-fetched earlier this summer. Hog prices closed higher on then National Direct Afternoon Hog Report, up $0.12 with a weighted average of $31.55 on 7,299 head. August live cattle is steady, August feeder cattle are up $0.10 at $142.7, August lean hogs are down $0.85 at $52.8, December corn is up 2 1/4 cents per bushel and December soybean meal is down $0.70. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is down 43.40 points and NASDAQ is up 39.81 points.