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DTN Retail Fertilizer Trends

25 Nov 2020

OMAHA (DTN) -- Average retail fertilizer prices were mixed the third week of November 2020, continuing a trend that has lasted for several months, according to retailers surveyed by DTN.

Prices for five fertilizers were slightly lower compared to the previous month, though none was down a significant amount, which DTN designates as 5% or more. Urea had an average price of $358 per ton, 10-34-0 $455/ton, anhydrous $422/ton, UAN28 $207/ton and UAN32 $249/ton.

The remaining three fertilizers were slightly higher in price from last month. DAP had an average price of $455/ton, MAP $488/ton and potash $336/ton.

On a price per pound of nitrogen basis, the average urea price was at $0.39/lb.N, anhydrous $0.26/lb.N, UAN28 $0.37/lb.N and UAN32 $0.39/lb.N.

The University of Minnesota Extension made changes to their corn fertilizer guidelines this spring and those alterations were reviewed in a recent Minnesota Crop News blog post titled "Highlights From Minnesota's Updated Corn Fertilizer Guidelines." Dan Kaiser, University of Minnesota Extension nutrient management specialist, authored the report.

Kaiser wrote that the new guidelines use the maximum return to nitrogen (MRTN) approach, which can be updated yearly. Minnesota Extension will be looking to add new data to the calculator following the 2020 growing season, Kaiser wrote.

The only change made to the phosphorus guidelines was the inclusion of a recommended strategy for use in a build-and-maintain approach. This approach aims to reduce the risk of soil test values increasing to a point where P loss increases.

"We recommend that you use a soil test range near the optimal soil test category and use a low-input, starter approach when soils are above critical soil test levels if phosphorus is going to be applied," Kaiser wrote.

Potash changes were previously made to the corn K guidelines, which adjusted the soil test ranges for the current guidelines. The corn sulfur guidelines were further updated to reflect situations in poorly drained soils where responses have been more common.

As for micronutrients, Kaiser wrote that zinc is still the micronutrient that is most likely to be deficient for corn production. University research has looked at other micronutrients like boron but have not found widespread deficiencies.

"One thing I stress to many growers is to not neglect N, P, K or S in lieu of micronutrients," he wrote. "Shorting the crop on macronutrients can have a greater impact on yield than micronutrients."

To read the entire University of Minnesota report, click on the following link:….

Retail fertilizer prices continue to be mostly lower in price from a year ago, but there now is one exception. MAP is 5% higher compared to last year with its recent surge to the high side.

DAP is 1% lower, 10-34-0 is 4% less expensive, urea is 8% lower, both potash and UAN32 are 12% less expensive, anhydrous is 15% lower and UAN28 are 16% less expensive than last year at this time.

DTN collects roughly 1,700 retail fertilizer bids from 310 retailer locations weekly. Not all fertilizer prices change each week. Prices are subject to change at any time.

DTN Pro Grains subscribers can find current retail fertilizer price in the DTN Fertilizer Index on the Fertilizer page under Farm Business.

Retail fertilizer charts dating back to 2010 are available in the DTN fertilizer segment. The charts included cost of N/lb., DAP, MAP, potash, urea, 10-34-0, anhydrous, UAN28 and UAN32.

Nov 18-22 2019 456 466 381 387
Dec 16-20 2019 444 460 378 377
Jan 13-17 2020 433 444 375 357
Feb 10-14 2020 413 435 373 361
Mar 9-13 2020 407 432 370 377
Apr 6-10 2020 409 434 370 382
May 4-8 2020 413 433 370 388
Jun 1-5 2020 407 431 364 373
Jun 29-Jul 3 2020 406 427 361 357
Jul 27-31 2020 410 429 358 355
Aug 24-28 2020 430 435 352 355
Sep 21-25 2020 434 453 338 361
Oct 19-23 2020 446 476 332 359
Nov 16-20 2020 455 488 336 358
Date Range 10-34-0 ANHYD UAN28 UAN32
Nov 18-22 2019 472 496 245 284
Dec 16-20 2019 469 487 239 276
Jan 13-17 2020 470 487 237 275
Feb 10-14 2020 464 490 235 277
Mar 9-13 2020 466 490 235 278
Apr 6-10 2020 468 492 235 278
May 4-8 2020 468 492 237 280
Jun 1-5 2020 468 475 236 276
Jun 29-Jul 3 2020 468 461 233 272
Jul 27-31 2020 465 454 223 262
Aug 24-28 2020 464 442 219 258
Sep 21-25 2020 457 425 215 253
Oct 19-23 2020 456 424 209 249
Nov 16-20 2020 455 422 207 249

Russ Quinn can be reached at [email protected]

Follow him on Twitter @RussQuinnDTN