DTN Closing Livestock Comment 12/04 15:56
4 Dec 2020
DTN Closing Livestock Comment 12/04 15:56 A Lower Close for Most of the Livestock Contracts Friday Friday closed mostly lower throughout the livestock contracts with the feeder cattle market being the only one able to secure some profitability. ShayLe Stewart DTN Livestock Analyst GENERAL COMMENTS: Friday (and this past week really) ending up being a disappointing trade week for the livestock contracts. Meanwhile, the cash cattle market was also less than what the week had hoped for as feedlots aspired to move the market $2.00 to $3.00 higher. Hog prices closed lower on the National Direct Afternoon Hog Report, down $0.46 with a weighted average of $55.81 on 7,508 head. March corn is down 6 cents per bushel and January soybean meal is down $4.50. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is up 248.74 points and NASDAQ is up 87.05 points.