DTN Cattle Close/Trends 01/06 15:40
6 Jan 2021
USDA MARKET NEWS--AFTERNOON CATTLE REPORT 01/06/21 VOLUME USDA TOTAL RANGE DTN PRACTICAL RANGE WT AVG KANSAS CONFIRMED CASH SALES - TODAY: 72 WEEK TO DATE: 72 STEERS LIVE FOB 72 112.00-112.00 112.00-112.00 112.00 STEERS LIVE DELIVERED No reportable trade HEIFERS LIVE FOB No reportable trade HEIFERS LIVE DELIVERED No reportable trade NEBRASKA CONFIRMED CASH SALES - TODAY: 0 WEEK TO DATE: 130 STEERS DRESSED DELIVERED No reportable trade STEERS DRESSED FOB No reportable trade HEIFERS DRESSED DELIVERED No reportable trade HEIFERS DRESSED FOB No reportable trade TEXAS CONFIRMED CASH SALES - TODAY: 742 WEEK TO DATE: 1,455 STEERS LIVE FOB No reportable trade STEERS LIVE DELIVERED No reportable trade HEIFERS LIVE FOB 742 112.00-112.00 112.00-112.00 112.00 HEIFERS LIVE DELIVERED No reportable trade COLORADO CONFIRMED CASH SALES - TODAY: 0 WEEK TO DATE: 0 STEERS LIVE FOB No reportable trade STEERS LIVE DELIVERED No reportable trade HEIFERS LIVE FOB NA reportable trade HEIFERS LIVE DELIVERED No reportable trade IOWA CONFIRMED CASH SALES - TODAY: 102 WEEK TO DATE: 1,349 STEERS DRESSED DELIVERED No reportable trade STEERS DRESSED FOB No reportable trade HEIFERS DRESSED DELIVERED No reportable dressed trade HEIFERS DRESSED FOB No reportable trade COMMENTS: Another rather quiet day in the country with just a handful of scattered trade reported. Asking prices were around $114 plus in the South, and $180 in the North. Significant trade volume will be delayed until Thursday and/or Friday. 5-AREA LV STR AVG(FOB)PR&WT: $112.03(1375) HIDE&OFFAL: $9.09 Unchg CARCASS EQV INDEX CHOICE (600-900#) SELECT (600-900#) #OF HD LIVE BASED $166.15 $153.28 62,441 BOX BASED $193.27 $184.08 59,659 AVE INDEX $179.71 -0.30 $168.68 -0.19 122,070 BEEF CUTOUTS CHOICE (600-900#) SELECT (600-900#) $205.27 -0.63 $196.08 -0.41 124.67 LDS CH CUTS / 46.94 LDS SEL CUTS / 13.22 LDS TRIM / 19.41 LDS GROUND BOXED BEEF TREND: Not available due to changes on USDA reports COMPREHENSIVE WEEKLY CUTOUT VALUE: Week ending 01/01 $208.51 +2.32 CUTTER 90% 350# UP C/O: $175.77 +0.67 NAT'L BONELESS BF TRIM: 30.96 lds / Wk/slghtly lr on lt-mod dem & mod offers 90% TRIM: 07 lds: Wtd Avg $215.34 / Mostly firm to higher FI KILL(WTD) WED 117(347) WK AGO 117(352) YR AGO 124(368) MIX: TUE SH92/CB26 WEEKLY CANADIAN CATTLE IMPORTS. FEEDERS SLAUGHTER S&H Week Ending: 12/19/20 1,548 8,419 Week Ending: 12/12/20 1,997 12,019 Change from prev week: -449 -3,600