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USDA Cattle on Feed Report Preview

22 Jul 2021

OMAHA (DTN) -- Friday's Cattle on Feed report isn't expected to highlight any wild surprises, nor is it expected to greatly affect the market in any manner. The report's biggest key findings could potentially be in the specific placement data. With drought continuing to plague cattlemen in the western half of the United States, the report could show that there's been more lighter weight calves working their way into the feedlots than years past. This not only will affect how the marketing cycle works this year -- meaning that the calf run in October could be far less than what it has historically been -- it could change when those calves get sent to slaughter and could add more numbers to be marketed in the first quarter of 2022.

USDA will release its July 1 Cattle on Feed report at 2 p.m. CDT on Friday.

USDA Actual Average Estimate Range
On Feed July 1 98.8% 98.2-99.7%
Placed in June 94.1% 90.4-96.0%
Marketed in June 102.3% 99.6-103.4%

ShayLe Stewart can be reached at [email protected]