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DTN Closing Livestock Comment 10/01 16:17

1 Oct 2021
DTN Closing Livestock Comment 10/01 16:17 Quiet Livestock Market Friday Ends Volatile Week Livestock markets ended the week with limited, mixed trade Friday afternoon as traders take some time to digest the significant market swings seen during the week. The concern is that the late-week stability has more to do with a market pause than potential stability, as continued uncertainty still lurks through cattle and hog trade heading into the month of October. By Rick Kment, DTN Contributing Analyst GENERAL COMMENTS: From Friday to Friday: livestock futures scored the following changes: October Live Cattle: off $2.52. December Live Cattle: off $2.95. October Feeder Cattle: off $4.60. November Feeder Cattle: off $5.67. October Lean Hogs: up $5.02. December Lean Hogs: up $8.38.