DTN Closing Livestock Comment 04/21 16:09
21 Apr 2022
DTN Closing Livestock Comment 04/21 16:09 Cattle Keep Rallying Heading into Friday's trade, the cattle complex will be interested to see where placements fall in Friday's USDA Cattle on Feed Report. ShayLe Stewart DTN Livestock Analyst GENERAL COMMENTS: It was another rallying day for the cattle contracts, as the market's support has rocketed both live cattle and feeder cattle prices higher. Meanwhile, the lean hog complex saw a higher pork cutout close and higher cash prices, but traders remained leery. Hog prices closed higher on the Daily Direct Afternoon Hog Report, up $4.06 with a weighted average of $106.04 on 11,589 head. May corn is down 16 1/2 cents per bushel, and July soybean meal is down $2.40. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is down 368.03 points.