Grain News
16 Aug 2018
FARM MARKET NEWS - CORN REPORT FOR Thu, August 16 Exchange rate was 1.3153 up 0.0020 Chicago corn closed slightly higher. SEP18 HI 3.67 1/2 DEC18 HI 3.82 LOW 3.60 1/2 LOW 3.75 CLOSE3.65 1/4 Up 3 3/4 CLOSE 3.79 3/4 Up 3 3/4 OLD CROP BASIS NEW CROP BASIS Location Spot 1mt 2mt 3mt U.S. $/bu $/mt Cntrct U.S. $/bu $/mt ELEVATORS +DEC18+DEC18+DEC18 CK Lo...
16 Aug 2018
FARM MARKET NEWS - SOYBEAN AND WHEAT REPORT FOR Thu, August 16 Exchange rate was 1.3153 up 0.0020 Chicago soybeans closed moderately higher to higher. NOV18 HI 8.99 1/2 NOV18 HI 8.99 1/2 LOW 8.66 LOW 8.66 CLOSE8.97 Up 28 CLOSE 8.97 Up 28 OLD CROP NEW CROP Location Basis 1mt 2mt 3mt U.S. $/bu $/mt BasisU.S. $/bu $/mt ELEVATORS +NOV1+NOV1+NOV18 CK Lo...
16 Aug 2018
DTN Closing Grain Comments 08/16 13:55 Soybeans Rally on Trade Hopes November soybeans jumped 28 cents higher Thursday with shorts on the run after news broke that China is sending a delegation of officials to Washington later this month to talk trade. Corn and wheat prices also joined Thursday's rally, even though weather conditions are mostly fav...
16 Aug 2018
Cotton AWP/LDP 08/16 13:39 Next week's LDP (POP) rate will be based on this week's five day average AWP, plus or minus any change in the adjustment factor or any use of the Secretary's discretionary authority. The following table shows how this week's "A" index prices may affect next week's Marketing Loan Gain. Crnt Forwrd Trans Count Count 5 Low 5...
16 Aug 2018
DTN Midday Grain Comments 08/16 11:40 All Grains Higher at Midday Firmer midday trade is seen with soybeans leading the way upon trade optimism By David Fiala DTN Contributing Analyst General Comments The U.S. stock market indices are higher with the Dow futures up 360. The interest rate products are weaker. The dollar index is 19 points lower. Ene...