Grain News
6 Aug 2018
DTN Closing Grain Comments 08/06 13:50 Wheat Bullishness Eases, Row Crops End Higher September contracts of all three wheats closed with double-digit gains Monday, continuing to find support from dry weather concerns in several of the world's wheat regions. Soybeans ended lower on light volume with potential buyers reluctant to take on talk of high...
6 Aug 2018
DTN Midday Grain Comments 08/06 11:50 Grains Mixed at Midday Wheat is sharply higher with corn flat, and soybeans lower at midday. By David Fiala DTN Contributing Analyst General Comments The U.S. stock market indices are mixed with the Dow futures down 5. The interest rate products are weaker. The dollar index is 16 points higher. Energies are fir...
6 Aug 2018
Cotton AWP/LDP 08/06 11:31 Next week's LDP (POP) rate will be based on this week's five day average AWP, plus or minus any change in the adjustment factor or any use of the Secretary's discretionary authority. The following table shows how this week's "A" index prices may affect next week's Marketing Loan Gain. Crnt Forwrd Trans Count Count 5 Low 5...
6 Aug 2018
USDA Daily Market Rates 08/06 06:47 HDR1010500000080806180700DAILY MARKET RATES(GRAIN/MISC COMMODITIES) Form Approved OMB No. 0560-XXXX Effective: August 06, 2018 ***NOTE CHANGES TO DIFFERENTIAL INFORMATION EFFECTIVE 08/06/18**** The following Market Rates are established to aid in the development of the Posted County Prices (PCPs) which are used b...
6 Aug 2018
DTN Early Word Grains 08/06 06:04 Quiet Monday Start for Grains December corn was up 1/2 cent, November soybeans were down 5 1/4 cents, and September Chicago wheat was up 2 1/2 cents. By Todd Hultman DTN Analyst 6:00 a.m. CME Globex: December corn was up 1/2 cent, November soybeans were down 5 1/4 cents, and September Chicago wheat was up 2 1/2 cen...