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Grain News


17 Jul 2018
FARM MARKET NEWS - SOYBEAN AND WHEAT REPORT FOR Tue, July 17 Exchange rate was 1.318 up 0.0055 Chicago soybeans closed slightly higher. AUG18 HI 8.43 1/2 NOV18 HI 8.59 3/4 LOW 8.30 LOW 8.46 CLOSE8.39 1/2 Up 10 CLOSE 8.55 1/4 Up 9 1/2 OLD CROP NEW CROP Location Basis 1mt 2mt 3mt U.S. $/bu $/mt BasisU.S. $/bu $/mt ELEVATORS +AUG1+AUG1+NOV18 CK Low 2....

DTN Closing Grain Comments 07/17 13:45

17 Jul 2018
DTN Closing Grain Comments 07/17 13:45 USDA Interrupts Bearish Mood in Grains With the flick of a switch, USDA reduced crop ratings for corn and soybeans late Monday and traders responded with eagerness to buy corn, soybeans, and all three wheats Tuesday. Commercial buying in most grains also had help from shorts running for cover.

Portland Grain Review 07/17

17 Jul 2018
July 17, 2018 Portland Price Trends 07-01-17 08-01-17 06-01-18 07-10-18 07-17-18 #1 SWW (bu) 5.55 5.20 6.05 5.95 5.95 White Club 5.65 5.30 6.05 5.95 5.95 DNS 14% 9.31 8.38 7.49 6.63 6.38 HRW 11.5% 6.34 5.65 6.71 6.25 6.14 #2 Corn (ton) 157.00 148.00 178.00 157.00 156.00 #2 Barley 127.00 125.00 155.00 150.00 150.00 Wheat...White wheat remains the st...

Cotton AWP/LDP 07/17 12:49

17 Jul 2018
Cotton AWP/LDP 07/17 12:49 Next week's LDP (POP) rate will be based on this week's five day average AWP, plus or minus any change in the adjustment factor or any use of the Secretary's discretionary authority. The following table shows how this week's "A" index prices may affect next week's Marketing Loan Gain. Crnt Forwrd Trans Count Count 5 Low 5...

DTN Midday Grain Comments 07/17 11:04

17 Jul 2018
DTN Midday Grain Comments 07/17 11:04 Grains Higher at Midday Wheat and soybeans lead firm trade at midday. By David Fiala DTN Contributing Analyst General Comments The U.S. stock market indices are flat to higher with the Dow up 10. The interest rate products are firmer. The dollar index is 25 points higher. Energies are mixed with crude down 0.55...
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