Grain News
24 Apr 2016
GRAIN BELT WX ROUNDUP OHIO MORNING TEMPERATURE AND PRECIPITATION SUMMARY NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE CLEVELAND OHIO 821 AM EDT SUN APR 24 2016 Values represent highs yesterday...lows over the last 12 hours and precipitation over the last 24 hours ending at 7 AM EST/8 AM EDT. M=Missing Data T=Trace NA=Not Available : .BR CLE 0424 ES DH00/TAIRZX/DH07/TA...
23 Apr 2016
GRAIN BELT WX ROUNDUP OHIO MORNING TEMPERATURE AND PRECIPITATION SUMMARY NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE CLEVELAND OHIO 810 AM EDT SAT APR 23 2016 Values represent highs yesterday...lows over the last 12 hours and precipitation over the last 24 hours ending at 7 AM EST/8 AM EDT. M=Missing Data T=Trace NA=Not Available : .BR CLE 0423 ES DH00/TAIRZX/DH07/TA...
22 Apr 2016
FARM MARKET NEWS - CORN REPORT FOR Fri, April 22 Bank of Canada Noon exchange rate was 1.2674 down 0.0036 Chicago corn closed lower. MAY16 HI 3.84 1/4 DEC16 HI 3.93 1/4 LOW 3.70 1/2 LOW 3.80 CLOSE3.71 3/4 Down 12 3/4 CLOSE 3.81 Down 12 1/2 OLD CROP BASIS NEW CROP BASIS Location Spot 1mt 2mt 3mt U.S. $/bu $/mt Cntrct U.S. $/bu $/mt ELEVATORS +JUL16+...
22 Apr 2016
FARM MARKET NEWS - SOYBEAN AND WHEAT REPORT FOR Fri, April 22 Bank of Canada Noon exchange rate was 1.2674 down 0.0036 Chicago soybeans closed slightly lower to lower. MAY16 HI 10.17 1/4 NOV16 HI 10.03 1/2 LOW 9.79 LOW 9.76 CLOSE9.87 Down 31 3/4 CLOSE 9.83 Down 15 1/2 OLD CROP NEW CROP Location Basis 1mt 2mt 3mt U.S. $/bu $/mt BasisU.S. $/bu $/mt E...
22 Apr 2016
DTN Closing Grain Comments 04/22 13:58 Grains Close Sharply Lower All three grains closed sharply lower Friday, a bearish end to what had been a bullish week for all three until Thursday. The source of April's big rally is still not clear, but an inverse futures spread for new-crop soybean meal continues to point to increased commercial interest in...