Headline News
31 Dec 2015
By Todd NeeleyDTN Staff Reporter OMAHA (DTN) -- During the summer of 2014, a massive algae bloom in Lake Erie forced more than 400,000 residents of Toledo, Ohio, to temporarily avoid using city water after dangerous levels of toxins showed up in tests at one treatment plant. The state of Ohio hopes to prevent that from happening again, announcing W...
31 Dec 2015
By Jerry HagstromDTN Political Analyst WASHINGTON (DTN) -- The Center for Biological Diversity on Wednesday criticized the Environmental Protection Agency for missing deadlines to complete risk assessments in 2015 for the pesticides atrazine, glyphosate and imidacloprid. "These risk assessments aren't just bureaucratic boxes to be checked," said Lo...
31 Dec 2015
By Dan Crummett Progressive Farmer Contributing Editor Steve Berger and his dad, Dennis, have been no-till farming since the 1970s in southeast Iowa near Wellman. For the past 15 years, they've been planting cereal rye cover crops behind every inch of their 2,000-acre, 50/50 corn-and-soybean farm. Still, contrary to much conventional coffee-shop wi...
30 Dec 2015
By Mary KennedyDTN Cash Grains Analyst The year is ending with a bang weather-wise as heavy rains and snow over the past week are causing extensive flooding along the Mississippi River and its tributaries, creating a real headache for the nation's river transportation system. The massive flooding, which usually occurs in spring, is plaguing the ent...
30 Dec 2015
By Daniel DavidsonDTN Contributing Agronomist I've been a fan of gypsum for over a decade. Gyspum (calcium sulfate) has become a more common soil and water amendment and a good source of sulfur. There are mined (natural) sources and synthetic sources, which are mostly a byproduct of industry. I've always heard the quality of these products was vir...