Headline News
10 Dec 2015
By Jerry HagstromDTN Political Correspondent WASHINGTON (DTN) -- Declaring their industry to be in "dire straits," cotton leaders told a House Agriculture subcommittee this week that Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack should declare cottonseed an oilseed and take other steps to help the industry. A USDA spokesperson said department lawyers are alrea...
10 Dec 2015
OMAHA (DTN) -- The legal challenges to the waters of the United States rule will end up in the U.S. Supreme Court, a federal appeals court judge said Tuesday. It's just a matter of how fast that will happen. Farm groups have been closely monitoring the legal challenges to the controversial rule change to the Clean Water Act, which the groups see a...
9 Dec 2015
By Todd HultmanDTN Analyst Most of the numbers in USDA's December Supply and Demand report Wednesday looked familiar, with the agency making few changes from its November estimates. In fact, the U.S. ending stocks estimates for soybeans and wheat did not budge from November, staying at 465 million bushels and 911 million bushels respectively. After...
8 Dec 2015
By Russ QuinnDTN Staff Reporter OMAHA (DTN) -- Average retail fertilizer prices continued their slow move lower the first week of December 2015, according to fertilizer retailers tracked by DTN. Seven of the eight major fertilizers were lower compared to a month earlier, but none were down significantly. DAP has an average price of $541 per ton, ...
8 Dec 2015
By Alastair StewartDTN South America Correspondent CHICAGO (DTN) -- Ongoing investments in grain terminals at ports across northern Brazil will stimulate continued expansion of soybean and corn acres in coming years, Brazilian speakers told DTN/The Progressive Farmer Ag Summit attendees Tuesday. Farms across Brazil's grain frontier in Mato Grosso a...