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Champions of Change

29 Oct 2015
By Chris ClaytonDTN Ag Policy Editor WASHINGTON (DTN) -- Sustainability was highlighted in many forms Monday as the Obama administration recognized Champions of Change in agriculture. Monday's honorees at the White House event reflected a diverse mix of farmers from across the country ranging from ranchers and major commodity producers to a two-a...

Crop Insurance Cuts Axed

28 Oct 2015
By Todd NeeleyDTN Staff Reporter OMAHA (DTN) -- Plans to cut $3 billion out of the federal crop insurance program in the next eight years were reversed after members of the House Agriculture Committee announced Wednesday an agreement had been reached to leave the program alone as part of a two-year budget deal. The change of direction came followin...

Scientist Blows USDA Whistle

28 Oct 2015
By Chris ClaytonDTN Ag Policy Editor WASHINGTON (DTN) -- A USDA scientist has filed a federal whistleblower complaint against the department, claiming he has been harassed by supervisors over his work on neonicotinoid insecticides and their impact on pollinators such as monarch butterflies. Jonathan Lundgren is an entomologist at USDA's Agricultura...

More Than 10% Watch-Listed

28 Oct 2015
By Marcia Zarley TaylorDTN Executive Editor KANSAS CITY (DTN) -- Officially, the number of problem farm loans is almost too miniscule to matter. Unofficially, nervous bank regulators have issued warnings for lenders to monitor growers' cash flows and expect the number of troubled farm accounts to swell over the next few months. Besides steep declin...

DTN Retail Fertilizer Trends

27 Oct 2015
By Cheryl AndersonDTN Staff Reporter OMAHA (DTN) -- Prices of most types of retail fertilizer declined the third week of October 2015, according to dealers tracked by DTN. With the exception of DAP, which remained unchanged last week, prices dropped for other major fertilizer types tracked by DTN. Potash prices continued to fall, dropping $11 per t...
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