Headline News
28 Dec 2021
For those living in the Canadian Prairies and far northwestern U.S. Plains, the last several days have been a real slap in the face, reminding us that it is the winter season. Temperatures have fallen to 20 to 30 degrees below zero Fahrenheit (minus 28 to minus 35 Celsius) and in some spots a bit lower than that. The polar vortex arrived late last ...
28 Dec 2021
I was at a conference recently where a cybersecurity adviser from the Department of Homeland Security discussed cybercrime in agriculture. Cybercrime in agribusiness is on the rise, and no one is immune from an attack. If anything, small and midsize farms are more at risk since they don't have an internet technology (IT) department. Considering the...
27 Dec 2021
Editor's Note: 2021 was a wild one, from a tumultuous change in the White House, to continued La Nina influences on the weather, to skyrocketing fertilizer and input costs. There were also a lot of good stories to tell. As the calendar year comes to a close, we asked the DTN/Progressive Farmer writing team to pick their favorite effort from the yea...
27 Dec 2021
LINCOLN, Neb. (DTN) -- Although ordered by a federal court in 2017 to conduct an Endangered Species Act review of the insecticide cyantraniliprole, the EPA has yet to conduct such a review and has not made plans to do so, a new lawsuit filed by a food safety group alleges. The Center for Biological Diversity and the Center for Food Safety asked a f...
23 Dec 2021
STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, Colo. (DTN) -- It was too late to escape, so Jim Rathbun, 84 years old, didn't run from the fire. He hid from it. He'd been in his home, just south of Natoma, Kansas, on Dec. 15 when he heard an explosion. He looked out the west windows of his farmhouse and took in a scene almost biblical -- dark clouds of smoke and a wall of adv...