Headline News
30 Apr 2021
WASHINGTON (DTN) -- President Joe Biden's plans to raise capital gains and estate taxes would raise taxes on farmers and ranchers despite the Biden administration's statements that farms and family businesses would be exempt from some of the provisions, an American Farm Bureau Federation tax specialist said this week. Pat Wolff, Farm Bureau's senio...
30 Apr 2021
By Todd Neeley and Emily Unglesbee, DTN Staff Reporters This article was originally posted at 2:21 p.m. CDT on Thursday, April 29. It was updated with additional information at 11:58 a.m. CDT on Friday, April 30. ** LINCOLN, Neb. (DTN) -- The EPA has 60 days to either write a new rule to allow for the safe use of chlorpyrifos or halt all food resid...
30 Apr 2021
Death from grain entrapment is a tragedy by horrific suffocation. Tragically, entrapments are preventable -- fewer are accidents, more are the result of an intentional decision to enter grain bins even with evidence of risk. Rarely are there witnesses to the outcome. The film "SILO" does stand witness to those deaths, showing viewers what few see. ...
29 Apr 2021
LINCOLN, Neb. (DTN) -- Agriculture interests on the front lines of charting a climate course for farmers and ranchers say there may never be another time like the present to expand conservation and other carbon-sequestration programs. With numerous pieces of federal legislation introduced that could provide economic opportunities for agriculture to...
29 Apr 2021
OMAHA (DTN) -- In a speech full of big-spending proposals, President Joe Biden made his case in a joint address to Congress Wednesday evening that the federal government can do more to rebuild infrastructure and pay more for education, social services and health care. But paying for trillions in new spending will require more taxes on corporations ...