Headline News
22 Feb 2021
Roger Beachy still remembers the excitement of planting the first genetically altered food crop into United States soils. It was the summer of 1987 when he, along with a team of Monsanto scientists, transplanted tomatoes modified to resist a virus at the company's research farm, near Jerseyville, Illinois. "I believed we were seeding hope for a hun...
19 Feb 2021
OMAHA (DTN) -- U.S. agricultural trade and sales growth will continue hinging on the growth of sales to China, which USDA forecasts will hit another record for the fiscal year. USDA is forecasting a boost in sales to China, reaching a record $31 billion for fiscal year 2021. Trade overall for FY 2021 will reach $157 billion, an increase of $21 bill...
19 Feb 2021
OMAHA (DTN) -- Biofuels and agriculture interests are rallying behind a bill working its way through the Minnesota Legislature to mandate E15 in the state as it faces pushback from the gasoline retailer industry. Concerns were raised during a state senate hearing on Wednesday that the bill would be too costly for stations to comply. The bill would ...
19 Feb 2021
MT. JULIET, Tenn. (DTN) -- Members of Congress are urging the U.S. Department of Treasury and the Small Business Administration to issue new clarifications that would make more farmers and ranchers eligible for forgivable loans through the Paycheck Protection Program. But with less than six weeks until the application deadline, there's little time ...
18 Feb 2021
ROCKVILLE, Md. (DTN) -- Scientists in Arkansas have confirmed the presence of glufosinate-resistant Palmer amaranth populations in two northeastern counties of the state. The populations were collected from two fields in Mississippi County in 2020 and one field in Crittenden County in 2019, said Tom Barber, a University of Arkansas Extension weed s...