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USDA Weekly Crop Progress Report

16 Jun 2020
This article was originally posted at 3:11 p.m. CDT on Monday, June 15. It was last updated at 4:11 p.m. CDT on Monday, June 15.**OMAHA (DTN) -- Corn planting in much of the U.S. had wrapped up by the end of last week, while the condition of the portion of the crop that had emerged fell, USDA NASS said in its weekly Crop Progress report on Monday.N...

Todd's Take

15 Jun 2020
On Thursday, USDA released its latest supply and demand estimates for June, and as expected, most of the changes were minor tweaks. A 50 million bushel (mb) reduction in ethanol demand for corn and a 25 mb cut in soybean exports showed up, as expected.The slightly bullish surprise of the day was a lower-than-expected 395 mb estimate of U.S. ending ...

Iowa Governor Signs Third Ag-Gag Law

15 Jun 2020
OMAHA (DTN) -- Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds this week signed into law what appears to be the third version of a so-called "ag-gag" law as the state continues to fight in court for its second version of the law.The Iowa General Assembly passed a bill earlier this month that was signed by the governor on June 10, aimed at stopping undercover animal rights ...

Ag Groups Intervene on Water Rule Case

15 Jun 2020
OMAHA (DTN) -- Agriculture, petroleum and other interests will be allowed to intervene in a lawsuit challenging the new Navigable Waters Protection Rule, a federal court ruled on Thursday.The U.S. District Court for the District of South Carolina granted the motion to intervene, filed by the American Farm Bureau Federation, American Petroleum Insti...

Ag Events Canceled, Postponed

15 Jun 2020
OMAHA (DTN) -- Spending a day at your state fair looking through the pens of livestock and eating your favorite fair food doesn't appear to be in the cards this summer for many. Several states across the country have cancelled their traditional state fairs due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The same applies to large farm shows and expos. As the dates o...
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