Headline News
16 Dec 2019
By Katie Dehlinger DTN Farm Business Editor MOUNT JULIET, Tenn. (DTN) -- China and the U.S. reached a preliminary agreement on the first phase of a trade deal that includes increased purchases of U.S. agricultural products, although the amount wasn't specified. The deal, which still needs to go through a legal review before it's signed into place, ...
16 Dec 2019
By Dan Miller DTN Progressive Farmer Senior Editor The "chitchat" is sparse as Zoey Brooks Nelson and her father, Ron, work through a line of cows that had left the milking parlor moments before. Wearing an arm-length glove, Ron reports his findings. Wearing a baseball cap stitched with "Brooks Farms, Est. 1855," Zoey scans a smartphone, makes note...
13 Dec 2019
By Todd Hultman DTN Lead Analyst In my profession, confirmation bias is a common psychological hazard to watch out for. Confirmation bias is the tendency to see the world the way we want it to be, rather than how it actually is. As humans, we tend to filter out information we don't want to hear and that leaves us vulnerable to the risk of fooling o...
13 Dec 2019
By Dan Miller Progressive Farmer Senior Editor John Deere screened a video earlier this year it called "Farm Forward 2.0." It envisions a connectivity of technologies and data to produce management guidance. One character is quietly central to Deere's vision as manager of the farm's data hub. That person meshes real-time agronomics with inputs and ...
13 Dec 2019
By Emily Unglesbee DTN Staff Reporter ROCKVILLE, Md. (DTN) -- In the small Catholic parish of my childhood, the word "saint-maker" was sometimes used to describe certain individuals who pushed you to become a better Christian just by tolerating their, ahem, "challenging" personalities. I suspect the term hits home for many farmers this year. "201...