Headline News
17 Jun 2019
OMAHA (DTN) -- Farmers who are not able to plant a crop this spring will not get a trade-aid payment and should not expect higher payment levels than normal under prevented-planting insurance, according to a USDA question-and-answer released late Monday on Market Facilitation Program payments and the new disaster aid. USDA issued a statement from A...
17 Jun 2019
By Loren LindlerDTN News Intern OMAHA (DTN) -- This twice-monthly column condenses the latest news in the field of crop technology, research and products. UNEVEN EFFECTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON FOOD PRODUCTION Researchers from the University of Minnesota, with help from researchers at the Universities of Oxford and Copenhagen, have seen firsthand some...
17 Jun 2019
By Matt WildeDTN Progressive Farmer Crops Technology Editor WEST UNION, Iowa (DTN) -- Cover crop seed will be in short supply this year. Farmers and landowners need to get orders in early, according to dealers and veteran cover croppers. Demand for cereal rye, chickpeas, tillage radishes and other cover crop seed was already strong as more farmers ...
14 Jun 2019
By Katie DehlingerDTN Farm Business Editor MOUNT JULIET, Tenn. (DTN) -- The DTN National Corn Index settled at $4.20 on Thursday, the highest level in five years. The index, which DTN assembles from more than 3,000 cash corn bids from across the country, has increased 89 cents from the low it hit in mid-May. While the market has seen declines of t...
14 Jun 2019
By Karl Stenerson Market Reporter - Fertecon Informa Agribusiness Intelligence Informa Agribusiness Intelligence Here is a breakdown of wholesale prices and trends of various fertilizers. AMMONIA International Global ammonia prices weakened in May as the market continued to suffer from oversupply. Emerging spot interest from Turkey and China has n...