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Tariff Realities - 2

3 Oct 2018
By Russ QuinnDTN Staff Reporter OMAHA (DTN) -- Farmers plan to put more soybeans in bins this year amid a record harvest and trade dispute with China, the U.S.'s largest soybean buyer, but storing soybeans comes with its own set of challenges. Many farmers plan to nuse older, smaller grain bins to store their beans. Others are more comfortable s...

Tariff Realities - 1

2 Oct 2018
By Katie DehlingerDTN Farm Business Editor MOUNT JULIET, Tenn. (DTN) -- Justin Topp usually puts a portion of his soybean crop in storage every year, but with cash prices below $7 per bushel, he thinks this year will be the most he's ever stored. "They'll be stored for a while I'm assuming," the Grace City, North Dakota, farmer told DTN from the c...

Adding Insult to Injury

2 Oct 2018
By Alan BruglerDTN Contributing Analyst The quarterly USDA Grain Stocks reports have a reputation for surprising the markets, and the Sept. 28 report was no exception. Corn, soybean and wheat supplies on Sept. 1 were all larger than the average trade guesses going into the report and above the upper end in the case of soybeans. It could be termed ...

The Pulse of Rural America

2 Oct 2018
By Dan Miller Progressive Farmer Senior Editor And Claire Vath Progressive Farmer Contributing Editor Rural America is widely credited with giving now-President Donald Trump his margin of victory over Hillary Clinton two years ago. By the results of our newest DTN/The Progressive Farmer Zogby Analytics poll, rural America does not regret the decisi...


1 Oct 2018
By Rod Mauszycki DTN Tax Columnist With every harvest comes the age old question: Do I farm another year, or is it time to get out? It's a question many of my clients wrestle with, especially in poor economic times. The topic tends to come up in the late fall and winter, so now is a good time to review the new federal estate tax laws and share a ...
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