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DTN Retail Fertilizer Trends

8 Mar 2018
By Russ QuinnDTN Staff Reporter OMAHA (DTN) -- Retail fertilizer prices continued to trend higher the fourth week of February 2018, according to retailers tracked by DTN. All eight of the major fertilizers again are higher compared to last month, but only one fertilizer was up a significant amount. Nitrogen fertilizer UAN32 was 7% more expensive co...

Todd's Take

7 Mar 2018
By Todd HultmanDTN Analyst In the world of grain markets, nothing moves prices like talk of drought and, in early 2018, we already have two significant regions at risk -- Argentina and the southwestern U.S. Plains. Here in the U.S., July Kansas City wheat is up more than a dollar a bushel in 2018 -- a substantial move that was unimaginable back in ...

NAFTA and Trump Tariffs

7 Mar 2018
By Jerry HagstromDTN Political Correspondent KANSAS CITY, Mo. (DTN) -- Concern about President Donald Trump's planned worldwide tariffs on steel and aluminum imports has shifted from the impact on agriculture exports to China to disruptions of the trade relationships with Mexico and Canada. The United States imports more steel and aluminum from Mex...

DTN Fertilizer Outlook

7 Mar 2018
By Karl Stenerson Market Reporter - Fertecon Informa Agribusiness Intelligence Here is a breakdown of wholesale prices and trends of the various fertilizers: AMMONIA International: Global ammonia prices continued to slide steadily downward in February despite the shutdown of two ammonia plants in Trinidad (the largest ammonia exporter in the world)...

NFU, AFBF Unite Against Opioid Abuse

6 Mar 2018
By Jerry HagstromDTN Political Correspondent KANSAS CITY, Mo. (DTN) -- Farmers and ranchers must overcome the stigma of talking about opioid drug abuse in order to address what has become the worst social problem in rural America, the leaders of the nation's two largest farm organizations and the highest-ranking rural development official at the Ag...
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