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View From the Cab

8 Nov 2017
By Richard OswaldDTN Special Correspondent LANGDON, Mo. (DTN) -- Even with more than 6 inches of rain last month, fields remain firm for DTN View From the Cab farmers Brent and Lisa Judisch. "Combines are not leaving a track in the field. We've only gotten a truck stuck twice this year. Both times were due to driver error," Brent told DTN late Sund...

Todd's Take

7 Nov 2017
By Todd HultmanDTN Analyst I realize corn's bearish woes are well known by now, so pardon me for repeating the main points. USDA is estimating 2.43 billion bushels of U.S. ending corn stocks for 2017-18, with another increase in the crop estimate possibly coming in Thursday's WASDE report. South America's big corn harvest earlier in 2017 is current...

DTN Fertilizer Outlook

7 Nov 2017
By Karl Stenerson Market Reporter - Fertecon Informa Agribusiness Intelligence Here is a breakdown of wholesale prices and trends by the various fertilizers: AMMONIA International: The international ammonia market continues to go from strength to strength amid tight supply in the near term across and strength in downstream markets, such as capro an...

Tax Reform's Rental Conundrum

7 Nov 2017
By Chris ClaytonDTN Ag Policy Editor OMAHA (DTN) -- The House tax-reform bill meant to lower taxes could lead to a self-employment tax hitting every landowner who leases land to a farmer and farmers who lease farmland to a family partnership. The tax bill would be 15.3% higher under a formula that makes 70% of rental income subject to self-employme...

Family Business Matters

7 Nov 2017
By Lance WoodburyDTN Farm Business Adviser Usually, when we think of business partners, we think of people who work together because their skills and personalities complement each other so value is enhanced. For example, one partner is good with people, and another partner is more mechanically inclined. Or, one partner enjoys finances and marketing...
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