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Headline News

Ibach Seeks Regulatory Balance

31 Oct 2017
By Chris ClaytonDTN Ag Policy Editor OMAHA (DTN) -- USDA officially filled another key leadership position Monday as Greg Ibach was sworn in as USDA undersecretary for marketing and regulatory programs. At the same time, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue lamented the Senate confirmation process that is tying up another key undersecretary nominee. ...

Cash Market Moves

31 Oct 2017
By Mary KennedyDTN Basis Analyst North and South Dakota and parts of northwestern Minnesota suffered severe drought conditions this past summer -- some areas more extreme than others -- during critical growth stages for corn, soybeans and sunflowers. I talked to growers in different parts of these drought-stricken areas and heard mixed comments ab...

Oil Turns Tables on RFS

30 Oct 2017
By Todd NeeleyDTN Staff Reporter OMAHA (DTN) -- Following in the footsteps of the success of Midwest lawmakers last week who pressured President Donald Trump's administration to reiterate its support for the Renewable Fuel Standard, a group of senators from oil-producing states are attempting to replicate that success. The biofuels industry scored ...

Race for Tax Reform Begins

30 Oct 2017
By Chris ClaytonDTN Ag Policy Editor OMAHA (DTN) -- The starting gun for a flat-out sprint to pass a tax-reform bill was fired Thursday when Congress passed a fiscal-year 2018 budget resolution. The White House on Friday sent out an array of bullet points touting the need for tax reform and tax cuts. While the race is on to cut the corporate tax ra...

College from the Corn

30 Oct 2017
By Karl WolfshohlProgressive Farmer Contributing Editor Graduates of a rural high school in the Texas Panhandle find lots of homegrown financial help as they graduate and move on to higher education. That's due to the generosity of Karl Nielsen, an immigrant farmer from Denmark who passed away in 1984. He left a section of farmland in Hansford Coun...
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