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Study: Gas Price Rise Not Due to RINs

17 Oct 2017
By Todd NeeleyDTN Staff Reporter OMAHA (DTN) -- The prices of renewable identification numbers, or RINs, have not caused increases in gasoline prices from 2013 to 2017, according to a new Informa Agribusiness Consulting study funded by the Renewable Fuels Association. In recent years, oil industry groups such as the American Petroleum Institute hav...

More Soy Needed for China

17 Oct 2017
By Lin TanDTN China Correspondent BEIJING, China (DTN) -- China will import 95 million metric tons of soybeans in 2017/18 crop year, (3.49 billion bushels) then keep increasing imports an average 3.5 million tons per year for the following five years. In total, the country plans to import 110 mmt of soybeans (4.4 billion bushels) in 2022, said Liw...

Bean Trait News

16 Oct 2017
By Pam SmithDTN Progressive Farmer Crops Technology Editor Editor's Note: This article was updated on Oct. 13 with additional comments from an ADM representative. The original article was posted on Oct. 11. ** DECATUR, Ill. (DTN) -- Farmers hungry for new postemergence soybean herbicide technology will have another trait system to consider for 2018...

New Dicamba Rules

16 Oct 2017
By Emily UnglesbeeDTN Staff Reporter ROCKVILLE, Md. (DTN) -- Growers will have access to dicamba to spray on dicamba-tolerant crops in 2018, but the herbicides will come with new label restrictions and will be categorized as restricted use pesticides. EPA announced Friday that the dicamba "registrants voluntarily agreed to registration and labelin...

Ag's HR Coach

16 Oct 2017
By Lori CullerDTN HR Columnist When the words "employee training" are mentioned most farm managers typically do one of three things -- laugh out loud, shake their heads in disgust, or look highly confused. There is a misperception when it comes to training, which is nothing more than sharing knowledge and teaching your employees their role so they ...
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