Headline News
24 Apr 2017
By Richard OswaldDTN Special Correspondent LANGDON, Mo. (DTN) -- Charlie Johnson, 59, has been an organic grower for four decades, raising certified organic crops on his 2,500-acre farm near Madison in southeastern South Dakota. It's a lot of work fighting the weeds and doing a lot of cultivating each year until the crop has canopy closure. "It ge...
24 Apr 2017
By Emily UnglesbeeDTN Staff Reporter ROCKVILLE, Md. (DTN) -- This bi-monthly column condenses the latest news in the field of crop technology, research and products. USDA EVALUATES RELEASE OF GM MOTHS AND VIRUS In the past two weeks, USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has released documents on proposals to release two geneti...
21 Apr 2017
By Emily UnglesbeeDTN Staff Reporter ROCKVILLE, Md. (DTN) -- From Missouri to Minnesota and in between, many planting efforts are stalled thanks to cool, soggy conditions. Farmers are finishing up burndown and pre-emergence herbicide sprays as well as fertilizer applications. Jeff Littrell, who farms with his son in southeast Minnesota, summed up ...
21 Apr 2017
By Russ QuinnDTN Staff Reporter WEVER, Iowa (DTN) -- Amidst fertile Mississippi River Valley farm fields here, the first greenfield nitrogen fertilizer production facility built in the U.S. in more than 25 years officially opened for business Wednesday. Iowa Fertilizer Company (IFCo) and its Egypt-based parent company, OCI N.V., unveiled their Wev...
21 Apr 2017
By Chris ClaytonDTN Ag Policy Editor MALVERN, Iowa (DTN) -- Iowa Sen. Joni Ernst told cattle producers she has her own concerns about the Trump administration's trade agenda as producers highlighted topics they would like to see addressed in the next farm bill. Ernst, a first-term Republican, told DTN she expects a quick vote on USDA Secretary nom...