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The Market's Fine Print

23 Feb 2017
By John HarringtonDTN Livestock Analyst When it comes to contentious U.S. relations with Mexico, Presidents James K. Polk and Donald J. Trump could turn out to be the perfect bookends. Of course, Polk's responsibility for the Mexican War (1846-1848) has long been a benchmark of American history. On the other hand, it's way too early in the Trump ...

Outlook Panel Dissects Ag Economy

23 Feb 2017
By Emily UnglesbeeDTN Staff Reporter ARLINGTON, Va. (DTN) -- While it's true that the farm economy has historically cycled through ups and downs with some regularity, don't expect to ride the up cycle anytime soon. That was the message from Rajiv Singh, Rabobank's North American wholesale CEO. Based on the company's models, "Crop farming will not...

Ethanol, Oil Groups Look Ahead

22 Feb 2017
By Todd NeeleyDTN Staff Reporter SAN DIEGO (DTN) -- At a time when politics in Washington, D.C., has never been as divided, leaders of the ethanol and oil industries talked a good game in San Diego Tuesday on how the future requires both industries to find common ground. During a panel discussion at the National Ethanol Conference, a panel represen...

Dicamba Decisions - 5

22 Feb 2017
By Emily UnglesbeeDTN Staff Reporter Editor's Note: Dicamba herbicide use on soybeans and cotton is expected to expand dramatically in 2017. Stewardship will be critical to avoid drift and other movement onto sensitive crops and plants. This Dicamba Decisions series examines important application issues and the tough new federal label requirements...

Dinneen: 'Ethanol Lifts Ag'

22 Feb 2017
By Todd NeeleyDTN Staff Reporter SAN DIEGO (DTN) -- Though there is angst in rural America about the future of the Renewable Fuel Standard and agriculture trade in particular, the leader of the nation's largest ethanol interest group told an ethanol industry audience here Tuesday he's confident President Donald Trump will not abandon agriculture or...
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