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Headline News

President Biden Traveling to Iowa

11 Apr 2022
OMAHA (DTN) -- President Joe Biden will speak Tuesday at a POET ethanol plant in western Iowa during his first trip to the state since he was elected in 2020. Biden will travel to Des Moines, then to Menlo, Iowa, a small town about 45 minutes west of Des Moines with a POET Bioprocessing plant that has capacity for 150 million gallons of ethanol. Th...

Farmer, USDA Wetland Battle Continues

11 Apr 2022
OMAHA (DTN) -- Whether USDA can force farmers in federal farm programs to waive constitutional rights to challenge wetlands determinations soon may be answered by a federal court. South Dakota farmer Arlen Foster and USDA completed arguments last week on motions for summary judgment in an ongoing wetlands determination case. Summary judgment is ent...

FBI Touts Work on Crop Insurance Fraud Case

8 Apr 2022
OMAHA (DTN) -- The FBI is spotlighting the work of investigators involving a $40 million crop insurance fraud case tied to a Kentucky tobacco warehouse that has led to 23 people being charged and 17 others paying civil fines or penalties. The case dates to a 2014 tip to the USDA Office of Inspector General hotline alleging fraud at Clay's Tobacco W...

Nebraska Considers Right-to-Repair Bill

8 Apr 2022
LINCOLN, Neb. (DTN) -- A bill in the Nebraska Legislature that would have provided farmers and independent repair shops with the necessary digital tools to repair agriculture equipment will not be voted on during the current session. State lawmakers began consideration of LB 543 on Thursday, which, if passed and signed by the governor, would have m...

Severe Storms and Heavy Snow Next Week

8 Apr 2022
It is springtime in the Northern Hemisphere and we should not be surprised that the weather is active. Whenever we transition from the cold season to warm season or vice-versa, the rapid change in sun angle and length of day gives rise to strong differences between cold to the north and hot to the south. Strong temperature gradients lead to strong ...
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