Headline News
11 Oct 2016
By Darin NewsomDTN Senior Analyst Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes ... Look for a lot of changes to both corn and soybean production tables in USDA's October reports on Wednesday. Planted/harvested acres, yield, and crop production are all expected to be revised from September. This in turn will change supply and demand tables for both as these numbers combine...
10 Oct 2016
By Andy BieblDTN Tax Columnist In early August, the IRS released draft regulations that, when effective, will impose major restrictions on valuation discounts of family-controlled entities. This represents a major change in our tax system, and the clock is ticking before the new rules become final. MINORITY DISCOUNT THEORY An example can best illu...
10 Oct 2016
By Lance WoodburyDTN Farm Business Adviser "Agriculture is our wisest pursuit, because it will in the end contribute most to real wealth, good morals and happiness." ---Thomas Jefferson Among all of the financial assets you pass on to the next generation, perhaps none is as valuable and unique as your agricultural land. Indeed, land holds a specia...
10 Oct 2016
By Mary KennedyDTN Cash Grains Analyst The two houses of Congress passed two versions of a bill aimed at refurbishing the nation's aging water transportation infrastructure before adjourning for pre-election campaigning. An industry expert told DTN chances are good the bills will be reconciled and passed as one in the lame duck session following t...
7 Oct 2016
By Daniel DavidsonDTN Contributing Agronomist What is your goal for fall tillage? Is it to process residue, blacken the soil or break compaction layer? Perhaps you want to incorporate fertilizer and soil amendments like compost, gypsum, lime or manure. Maybe you need to incorporate cover crop seed. The task determines the tool to select and in som...