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DTN Weekly Distillers Grains Update

12 Feb 2016
With the Food Safety Modernization Act's new regulations on antibiotic use, a great deal of confusion exists about its use as an anti-microbial agent in ethanol production. Richard Coulter, senior vice president for scientific and regulatory affairs for Phibro Animal Health, cleared up some of the misperceptions in a recent webcast. The Food Safety...

Risks of FMD Highlighted

11 Feb 2016
By Chris ClaytonDTN Ag Policy Editor OMAHA (DTN) -- The U.S. has kept foot-and-mouth disease out of the country since 1929, but the livestock industry, pharmaceutical companies and the federal government would not be ready to handle an outbreak of the disease if it were to hit the national cattle and hog herds. Given the flow of animals in the U.S...

Farm Loan Renewals Up

11 Feb 2016
By Marcia Zarley TaylorDTN Executive Editor HADDONFIELD, N.J. (DTN) -- Three straight years of falling farm incomes are beginning to extract a toll. The outlook for ag credit conditions deteriorated sharply in late 2015, based on a fourth-quarter survey by the Kansas City Federal Reserve. Bankers expected a surge of farm loan demand and loan renewa...

McCarthy Asked to Pull WOTUS

11 Feb 2016
By Todd NeeleyDTN Staff Reporter OMAHA (DTN) -- In an all-encompassing hearing before the House Agriculture Committee, lawmakers pleaded with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy to withdraw the waters of the United States rule. The rule remains in legal limbo as challenges stopping its implementation play out in federal...

CME Shortens Livestock Trading Hours

10 Feb 2016
By Katie MicikDTN Markets Editor OMAHA (DTN) -- CME Group will shorten trading hours for livestock contracts effective Monday, Feb. 29. The move follows escalating criticism that extreme volatility has rendered cattle futures effectively broken for cash market hedgers. Cattlemen have pointed to many factors in that volatility, most prominently th...
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