Market News
27 Jun 2018
DTN Midday Livestock Comments 06/27 11:39 Cattle Paper Mostly Lower at Midday, Pressured by Demand Concerns and Technical Selling With the exception of spot June live, the cattle complex continues to struggle at midday with feeders losing ground to live counterparts. Lean hog issues are nearly mixed with spot July gaining on the rest of the pack. B...
27 Jun 2018
USDA MARKET NEWS--AFTERNOON CATTLE REPORT 06/27/18 VOLUME USDA TOTAL RANGE DTN PRACTICAL RANGE WT AVG KANSAS CONFIRMED CASH SALES - TODAY: 11,578 WEEK T0 DATE: 11,578 STEERS 4,138 105.00-106.00 105.00-106.00 105.98 HEIFERS 4,643 105.00-106.00 105.00-106.00 105.99 NEBRASKA CONFIRMED CASH SALES - TODAY: 7,446 WEEK TO DATE: 9,370 STEERS 1,198 168.00-1...
27 Jun 2018
DTN Early Word Opening Livestock 06/27 06:00 Look for Further Lean Hog Strength on Opening, Especially in the Front-End Contract Lean hog futures are geared to open moderately higher with nearbys gaining more ground on deferreds. The cattle complex should open on a mixed basis as traders jockey ahead of cash news. By John Harrington DTN Livestock A...
26 Jun 2018
DTN Chart Technical Points 06/26 16:30 DTN FUTURES 10 6/26/18 SLOW STOCHASTIC PRICES ARE DECIMAL MOVING AVERAGES RSI'S 5 Day 20 Day CONTRACT CLOSE 4-Day 9-Day 18-Day 45-Day 9Day 14Day 30Day %K %D %K %D CBTWT JUL 469.50 483.19 487.75 503.35 509.26 31.67 36.71 43.68 37 51 20 19 CBTWT SEP 483.00 496.13 500.61 518.25 525.10 31.17 36.06 43.14 40 50 19 1...
26 Jun 2018
DTN Closing Livestock Comment 06/26 15:52 Hog Futures Largely Recover From Monday Stumble Lean hog futures settled significantly higher with renewed buying interest especially evident in nearby contracts. The cattle complex settled mixed in the live market and moderately higher in the feeder trade. By John Harrington DTN Livestock Analyst GENERAL C...