Market News
20 Feb 2017
DTN Chart Technical Points 02/20 16:30 DTN FUTURES 10 2/20/17 SLOW STOCHASTIC PRICES ARE DECIMAL MOVING AVERAGES RSI'S 5 Day 20 Day CONTRACT CLOSE 4-Day 9-Day 18-Day 45-Day 9Day 14Day 30Day %K %D %K %D CBTWT MAR 441.00 448.25 444.56 434.93 423.62 52.69 54.90 54.15 44 66 77 87 CBTWT MAY 455.50 462.13 457.75 448.14 436.66 53.96 55.87 54.70 48 69 78 8...
17 Feb 2017
DTN Closing Livestock Comment 02/17 16:46 Late-Week Short-Covering Sponsors Decent Meat Futures Gains The cattle complex closed significantly higher with nearby live contracts attracting the most buying interest. Lean hog issues also settled solidly higher, supported by short-covering and cash premiums.
17 Feb 2017
DTN Chart Technical Points 02/17 16:30 DTN FUTURES 10 2/17/17 SLOW STOCHASTIC PRICES ARE DECIMAL MOVING AVERAGES RSI'S 5 Day 20 Day CONTRACT CLOSE 4-Day 9-Day 18-Day 45-Day 9Day 14Day 30Day %K %D %K %D CBTWT MAR 441.00 448.25 444.56 434.93 423.62 52.69 54.90 54.15 44 66 77 87 CBTWT MAY 455.50 462.13 457.75 448.14 436.66 53.96 55.87 54.70 48 69 78 8...
17 Feb 2017
DTN Midday Livestock Comments 02/17 11:51 Livestock Futures Follow Strong Buyer Support in Live Cattle Complex Triple-digit gains have quickly developed in nearby live cattle futures. The overall tone of the market remains firm across all markets as end of the week positioning is also developing. By Rick Kment DTN Analyst GENERAL COMMENTS: Live cat...
17 Feb 2017
USDA MARKET NEWS--AFTERNOON CATTLE REPORT 02/16/17 VOLUME USDA TOTAL RANGE DTN PRACTICAL RANGE WT AVG KANSAS CONFIRMED CASH SALES - TODAY: 15,665 WEEK T0 DATE: 20,952 STEERS 9,473 119.00-120.00 119.00-120.00 119.62 HEIFERS 3,936 118.00-120.00 119.00-120.00 119.40 NEBRASKA CONFIRMED CASH SALES - TODAY: 39,707 WEEK TO DATE: 42,427 STEERS 11,197 190.0...